Unconscious Correction

962.3Question: If we look from the point of view of Kabbalah, why should there be the division into a huge number of people?

Answer: Because it helps the correction. The fact that everyone makes a small unconscious correction means a lot. Today, with the help of the tools that he invented thanks to his knowledge, one person can do work that was previously done by, say, a million people.

Give me an excavator and I will do work equivalent to, say, a thousand diggers, no problem! One dig and that is it. And that is how I can dig up as much in a day as a thousand people can dig up in a day. But I need a mind for that.

And if I cannot act intelligently, if I cannot use the forces of nature, then I need thousands of people who will do it unknowingly who are poking around like bugs, and that is the problem.

Therefore, in principle, there should be one Adam. Adam and no one else! But since he could not fulfill his task (purely allegorically), it turns out that eight billion are needed, eight billion who will pick and gnaw something.

As a result, something will turn out in a bad, problematic way, but people will come to understand and solve the riddle of what Adam did wrong, and how they would correct his mistake.

That is it, back to square one.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Collective Mind” 9/7/13

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