Let Go and Float!

527.03The boundary between light and shadow is you (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec).

My Response: That is right.

Question: What does this mean for you?

Answer: You make this boundary between light and shadow. If you come to the conclusion that this boundary does not exist, then it does not exist. Then you really become a man of the universe.

Question: If the boundary between light and shadow does not exist, then what does exist?

Answer: There is only one upper light, the Creator. And that is it.

Question: Does a person come to such a state?

Answer: Yes. Just as it is written: “Before the restriction, Ein Sof filled the entire reality.”

Question: Does it mean that a person returns to the source?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Will then there be no descents, no ascents, no day, and no night?

Answer: From where? Everything is already inside the light.

Question: But what about me, about my life? My “I”—what will happen to me?

Answer: You do not exist, and your life does not exist. You dissolve in all this.

Question: Is this the goal, to come to this?

Answer: Yes! Of course!

Question: Is that where happiness is, the one we are looking for?

Answer: You let go of absolutely everything and float.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/7/22

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