The Moment of Supreme Truth

165Comment: Let’s say you tell a student, “Do this,” and then literally after a short period of time you say: “What are you doing?” Your actions contradict each other.

Answer: It seems that way to you, it is just how you hear it. I don’t say opposite things, but you perceive the opposite. For me it is the same.

There is a very precise example in the Torah when the Creator promises Abraham: “I will make your son the foundation of all spiritual generations on Earth.” And five minutes later He says, “Sacrifice him.” How can we compare these two events and say that they are the same thing?

Question: Then how can I listen to you in this case?

Answer: Precisely like this, the way Abraham listened. Only he had the opportunity to rise above these two events—not with his earthly mind, but rather with his spiritual mind, with faith above reason, meaning, in the quality of bestowal—to see that it is the same thing.

Therefore it is not necessary to say that the teacher is wrong. After all, at the same time, you cut yourself off from the opportunity to rise to a new degree of reason where opposites come together and do not destroy or annul each other.

This is the moment of the highest truth, which we cannot rise to with our human brains. But this is exactly the point through which you can pass, like through a wall. It will suddenly part, and you will pass.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Confidentially” 10/12/13

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