A Special Force of Unity

032.01There is a special force in our unity. When we unite above self from the state “me” to “we,” we reveal a new force in nature; it is called the “wisdom of the crowd.” The integrality is the one who gives it to us.

Even more, this force is above all other forces. We can correct all problems of our world with its help in our life, health, family relations, and security, and can calm down people and nations, and correct the ecology.

This force exists in nature; there is nothing supernatural about it. It is above our ordinary, egoistic nature, but generally speaking it is not supernatural. We approach it realistically.

Let’s begin to connect with one another, help one another to rise, and we will sense how it hovers above us. If we begin to act this way, we will suddenly see that we can correct everything.

In today’s world there is a huge number of “ticking bombs.” What is happening with oil in the Atlantic? What is happening inside the ocean with pollution? What is happening in the atmosphere around us? We live while sitting on “ticking bombs” not knowing when they will explode.

Let’s begin to gradually balance it all out, calm down, and decrease this pace and this tension. We do not have any other choice. After all, it is possible to balance it. See how simple it is. When we connect with one another, we reveal the force that is above us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Making Good Use of Others” 9/3/13

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