About the High Value of Lo Lishma

284.02The state of Lo Lishma is not ordinary earthly egoism. To be in Lo Lishma means to try to be in Lishma, to perform actions of bestowal, and to reveal that for now you are doing them for yourself.

The time when I make efforts to rise above my egoism and achieve bestowal but I am not yet capable of it is called the period of Lo Lishma.

Question: It is probably not enough to turn your nature from Lo Lishma to Lishma only once?

Answer: Of course, this does not happen all at once. There are 125 degrees each of which is divided into many more states. Baal HaSulam said that we do not understand how high the state of Lo Lishma is. It is even higher than our idea of the state of Lishma.

After all, the true Lo Lishma means that I am trying with all my might to make a bestowing act, and in the end, it is revealed to me that I still acted for the sake of my desire to receive, my egoistic benefit.

Question: Is there such a structure or environment where one could enter in order to make such a turn in a compulsory way?

Answer: Yes, this is the role of the group.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/23/14, Shamati #8 “What Is the Difference Between a Side of Kedusha and a Shade of Sitra Achra

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Lo Lishma
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From Egoism To Bestowal In Faith Above Reason

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