Reincarnations—See, Feel, and Understand

294.4Comment: You talk about the unity of all mankind and love for one’s neighbor all the time.

My Response: This is the most important thing.

Question: But who feels it and understands it in the correct form?

Answer: It is useful for everyone to strive for this.

And the souls are absolutely not felt by us. There are so many misconceptions, and therefore it is impossible to talk much about it. This will confuse people and give them the wrong understanding of where they exist, for what, in the name of what.

But if these people become Kabbalists themselves, then, to the degree they reach, they will see, feel, and understand all this. Good luck to them.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 10/9/22

Related Material:
Reincarnations—Live Not in Memories of People, But in Their Qualities
Reincarnations—Attaining Your Soul
Reincarnations—Where Does the Previous Soul Go?

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