Why Does a Person Need Rebirth?

79.02Question: Why is a person’s life so short from the point of view of spiritual development? He can go through all the corrections in one lifetime, right?

Answer: No, he can’t. He has to change himself. And to die in a relatively uncomfortable state, even with torment. This is necessary for his correction

Question: Are you talking about any person?

Answer: Yes, about anyone.

We don’t understand this system at all. We think that if a person is a Kabbalist, then he has patronage in the spiritual world, he himself makes orders. No. This is the system in which you exist, the scheme where you are a small element. And even if you generate and define a lot, you are still an element of the system.

Question: Why is this change necessary? Why do I need to restart in a new body?

Answer: A person needs rebirth in order to start working under new initial conditions, at a new level. You cannot, even as a Kabbalist, move from one level to another without changing the external adapter. You have to return to another reified animal state.

But how can one return, is it necessary to return? This is a very complex system. We are not talking about the return of the animal body, it can absolutely completely rot. All this worship of the dead, respect for the dead, these are all anachronisms. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual.

We don’t understand what it means to live in this world and in another parallel world at the same time. We don’t understand what it means to see the system of governance of our world.

We have no idea what it means to exist in the form of thought, energy, and spirit not clothed in a body, that is, in some huge system where you and the system are one common whole. And you don’t have one separate thing, you merge with this system, as if you don’t exist. We don’t have the words to explain it.

But we don’t need that. What for? It won’t help us, it will only confuse us. A person is told only what can help him realize himself quickly. Whoever wants to do this seriously, let him engage in it and attain it.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. See How to Die” 9/7/13

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