One War—Two Goals

220Question: War forms a special type of personality, a special type of psychology of a participant in combat. Do you think a person who was in a war is more predisposed to spiritual development?

Answer: It can be the other way around. He already understands what it is and he really does not want it, unlike some boy who is willing to try everything.

Comment: There is always a spirit of unity in war, and later people remember these states.

My Response: We can say that this is a by-product. It is necessary in order to win.

Comment: Nature moves us toward getting closer to each other, toward unity.

My Response: This is a completely different matter. There is cause and there is an effect. If the reason is that I am going to war to unite with others and create a certain common state, a community, then this is a different war. This is a war against ourselves, against egoism that is within us and does not give us the opportunity to unite.

However, if we go to kill or conquer someone, then our connection is egoistic and aimed at defeating someone. This is a completely different goal.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/1/22

Related Material:
“Between War And Peace”
“Russia-Ukraine War: The Pandora Box Is Open” (Linkedin)
The War For Peace

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