The Main Thing Is To Stick Together

557If we yearn for the Creator, we attract the reforming light, which corrects us, brings us closer, and organizes us. Day by day, we feel new thoughts and new desires coming to us. They do not just appear accidentally out of thin air; all this comes purposefully, like elements of the single system in which we exist.

There is nothing accidental. Therefore I should not blame myself for not being as sharp today as I was yesterday. Yesterday, I was thinking more seriously and feeling more deeply, but today, I suddenly cannot do that. Yet, all this is organized from above for my correct advancement from state to state.

The main thing we need is to stick together. This is the only effort that we need to make. And everything else will be arranged from above.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/26/20, Writings of Rabash, “What Are Torah and Work in the Way of the Creator?“

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