Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 7/24/20, Part 1

962.4Question: When working on a text, I feel that I need to perform practical work in order to perceive the information in the best way: scrutinize the main topic, summarize it, simplify the article, and try to explain it in my own words. Should I do all this work by myself or together with the friends?

Answer: It is better to work together, but only if your friends are capable of that.

Question: You teach your students according to Kabbalistic sources, but we don’t study according to these sources in the courses of integral education. Around what should we connect?

Answer: You don’t connect around sources, but around an idea, around the upper force that is now aimed at you and connects you. This is the only way.

Question: Is there a connection between the development of desires and cognitive development?

Answer: There is no connection at all. You don’t need to be very intelligent in order to be wise.

Question: Who is wise?

Answer: A wise person is a person who has acquired a great amount of information about the connections between all the phenomena in the world.

Question: How can we develop collective intellect? Is it possible to develop collective emotions or is it a natural phenomenon?

Answer: No, it is not something natural. This requires a lot of hard work. It all depends only on the opening of the hearts in order to reach one desire in which everything will be clarified.

Question: Will there be social professions in the future that do not require any understanding during the study?

Answer: As I see it, we are already living in this future. We simply need to complete our correction.

Question: The less a person knows, the more confident he is in what he knows and doesn’t feel that what he knows is limited. What is the reason for this?

Answer: When a person doesn’t know much there is nothing to be confused about.

Question: Education today is divided into three areas: knowledge, skills, and values. What does a person need in order to survive and to develop in the new world?

Answer: I wouldn’t recommend any of these areas. In order to survive in today’s world a person needs the right environment, that’s all.

Question: Understanding is a sensory process. It consists of  the mind and senses. The sages wrote that “the heart understands.” What does that mean?

Answer: The heart understands to the extent that it can feel, and the intellect follows the feelings.

Question: Should the study be built on accelerating the process of the recognition of evil of our ego and its rapid change?

Answer: Yes, but it cannot be done artificially. It will happen by itself.

Question: Where is information stored, in our mind, in our desires, or in our intentions?

Answer: Nowhere. Information is stored around us in the air. This is the field we are in. We need to connect to it and to draw the information from it.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/24/20

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