The Last Generation At The Doctor’s Appointment

962.1Today, the world suffers from the fact that people do not have enough money, respect, and health. A person no longer thinks about elevated goals, but worries about the most vital things and how to suffer less.

We need to embrace these sufferings and give them the correct direction toward the Creator to correct this lack of understanding, like a mother takes care of a sick child who does not understand his illness. He just feels that he is sick and cries from pain. The mother should take him to the doctor, give him medicine, and provide all the necessary care.

This is how we should treat all of humanity. The Creator is the doctor, He is the source of all the abundance that we need to pass on to people. We need to learn how to do this, how to hear from the doctor how we should treat the child and persuade humanity to take the medicine in order to recover.

All of us are tightly connected to this world, are aware of all the news, and understand what is happening to it, and therefore we feel its sufferings. From this, we should understand our work as the last generation. Today, everyone gets the same treatment from the Creator and we must see ourselves between these two forces: the Creator and the created beings.

Our task is to implement their correct connection and to help them understand each other so that the Creator understands the created beings, the created beings understand the Creator, and together they develop in the correct direction.

We need to understand that the epidemic is not a blow but a push toward our development. All these forces come to develop us and lead us to connection and through this connection to a feeling of the common, upper force of nature. We have to contact this upper force of nature and this has nothing to do with any religion.

Soon we will see how much humanity needs this connection with the upper force and the upper force itself needs it, and also how much we are ready to connect. Then all of life will improve. This is called the correct connection between all parts of reality.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/24/20, “Concerning Above Reason”

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