Opposition To Unity, Part 9

laitman_933Being Chosen Is Determined by Life

Question: Different movements within the Jewish people have a different perception of the term “God’s chosen people.” Some of them believe that the fulfillment of religious precepts is enough, and thereby, they bring joy to the Creator.

Others claim that Jews gave the world economics, morality, science, and art, and in this we are chosen. That is, the Creator gave us brains, and by this we benefit the whole world.

Still others are trying to abolish this concept of the chosen people in every possible way claiming: “We are like everyone else. There is no such thing as a chosen people.”

And Kabbalists argue that God’s chosen people are to teach everyone the correct unity.

How can a person understand what it means to be a chosen people?

Answer: I think that there is no need to think too much about it. Being chosen is determined by our life from generation to generation.

Although humanity is advancing, developing, becoming more reasonable, and understanding that there is nothing of the chosen people in us, we implicitly feel that we are separate from all of humanity, that we are chosen. For better or for worse, it does not matter, but we are. Nothing can be done about it.

Our peculiarity is that we have to bring to the world a great ethical, cosmic, spiritual meaning: why we exist and what we must achieve.

But in order to accomplish this task we ourselves need to attain, to reveal, the meaning of the existence of all humanity and of the Jewish people within humanity: what purpose we must achieve, what role to play, how to spread this knowledge, and how to bring humanity with us.

In principle, this is exactly what humanity expects of us. Let us hope that we ourselves will become aware of this and will be able to explain this to others.
From KabTV’s “Systematic Analysis of the Development of the People of Israel” 7/29/19

Related Material:
Opposition To Unity, Part 8
Opposition To Unity, Part 7
Opposition To Unity, Part 6

Is It Possible To Change Character Traits?

laitman_600.04Question: The basis of man is DNA, that is, our genes that determine everything: our physiology, all kinds of inclinations, and even, as they say now, political views. Do you agree with that?

Answer: What is the difference if genes or some other particles, waves, or elements determine our inclinations? Of course, there are properties set for us that guide us, and thanks to which we distinguish the characters of people, their different approaches to life, etc. Call it genes.

Remark: Our genes can manifest themselves as qualities that can or cannot be changed. For example, if a child is born in a family of egoists where the cult of money reigns, then, in principle, he has no chance of growing up as an altruist.

My Comment: No, I do not agree with that. We see in nature opposing properties. Our teacher Baal HaSulam writes that inversion is very often observed. We know that in Russia revolutionaries were born in noble families. This is the eternal problem of fathers and children when the children go against their parents. Thus, it is the properties of the parents that can be inverted in children.

Question: Do you think that character traits can be changed? Suppose a person has a penchant for stinginess.

Answer: There is no need to change anything. I believe that this cannot be done because the data that are in us are the so-called first nine Sefirot in every person, in every Partzuf, in every soul. We just need to learn how to use them correctly.
From KabTV’s “The Post-Coronavirus Era” 4/30/20

Related Material:
Is It Necessary To Change Character Traits?
The Spiritual Roots Of A Person’s Attributes
How Can We Overcome Our Instincts?

New Life 1251 – Demanding Work Culture

New Life 1251 – Demanding Work Culture
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi

Why have we exchanged life with work when it leads to such frustration? Does it really make us feel important and special? The excessive industry that we have established is destroying the planet and our inattention is destroying the nuclear family. It would be worthwhile for us to advance to a state where technology provides us with what is needed for existence and people are free to develop their spiritual lives.

It is preferable to invest energy in our inner development in life, to learn why we exist, etc. We would develop good relationships between people so we will not live in destructive competition, pressure, and hatred. In the future, people will understand how nature manages us and how we can interact with it; our lives will be full of culture, spirit, and satisfaction on another level.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1251 – Demanding Work Culture,” 6/8/20

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/21/20

Lesson Preparation

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Writings of Rabash, Article 7 “According to What Is Explained Concerning “Love Thy Friend as Thyself” (1984)

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Selected Highlights

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