Trek Through The Desert

laitman_234It must be remembered that egoism is given to us from above; the revelation of egoism comes from the Creator. And therefore it is necessary to work with it methodically every time, more and more, and not wait for  selfishness to disappear. On the contrary, the further we advance, the more egoism, stupidity, cruelty, and arrogance will be revealed and we must work with all of it.

You need to get used to it and you must not quit, despair, or turn off your computer; you must simply continue and continue, even on all fours if you have to, but crawl to the goal.

And my friends will help me; I am them and they are me. Everything is arranged so that we can always go forward if we try to complement each other. When I want to help my comrades and they want to help me then, even if none of us has strength, we will find strength within our union.

This is not a force within each of us; there can be no force inside of any of us! There are ten people and not one of them has any strength. But since we want to connect, we suddenly reveal the power between us. This power is the Creator that is between us. We use His power and not our own.

And therefore, if each one of us is exhausted, if we are all full zeros, this is the best condition and you cannot turn off the screen and leave the group! Because it is in this state that we begin to reveal the power that is between us, that is, the Creator. Inside of ourselves, of course, there are no forces, but we will reveal a higher power.

Therefore, it is precisely because of despair, powerlessness, hopelessness, misunderstanding, supporting each other, and making efforts, despite the fatigue, that we are approaching the revelation of the Creator. This work is called,  trekking through the desert, from which we derive the power of bestowal. Passing through the desert, we ascend from Malchut to Bina.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/31/20, “The Approach to Studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah”

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