Make The Plan Of Creation Come True

Laitman_177.06Question: Perhaps all souls are a single organism. But how can we say the whole of humanity is a single organism? What kind of organism is this? How is it connected?

Answer: We are not talking about physical bodies. We are talking about the inner meaning of creation, where it is headed, the purpose it is imbued with, and what motivations act in it on every level.

The inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human levels of nature have their own inner strength, their own vector. Everything hinges on the direction of this vector, even if we fail to realize that it exists in the smallest grain of sand as it does in a huge, remote part of the universe.

The inanimate, vegetative, and animate parts of nature are subordinate to the human level. If we directed ourselves correctly toward each other, we would suddenly find that all of nature, all the cosmos, change, their objects would become more benevolent toward each other.

We would see that there are no explosions happening randomly, no separation or removal. We would see the meaning of everything that happens in us, within or outside us, in space, in black holes, in everything.

All of nature is not just matter but thought. This thought, on different levels, strives for its perfection, for its realization. This is what Kabbalah calls the thought of creation.

We must try to make this plan of creation come to life so that it reaches its single, final essence, it’s form and realization.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 4/19/20

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