Until The Desire Ripens

Laitman_508.2Question: How do two opposite desires coexist in a person when the point in the heart awakens in him? After all, this is completely different from what a person felt before and has practically nothing to do with this world.

Answer: It has nothing at all to do with it. This feeling emerges quite unexpectedly, just as any spiritual level imperceptibly manifests.

And now you are already in a certain attainment, a certain connection, and even in a more or less conscious relationship with the Creator, and you feel something new. Moreover, each attainment emerges as if it happens for the first time.

Question: Why does one not follow the other? Why must there be a descent?

Answer: It is because it does not happen like in a movie where you sit and watch flickering frames. You must insert your desire and your preparation into every frame. You undergo all kinds of states until the desire fully ripens.
From KabTV’s “Fundamentals of Kabbalah,” 2/2/20

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Descent – Ascent
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When Your Ups And Downs End

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