Seeing With The Reason Of The Upper Degree

laitman_962.1Faith above reason is the topic we must constantly return to. Relative to it, we will undergo ascents and descents; all our work is concentrated around it. Faith above reason means that bestowal becomes higher than reception, that is, a person comes to the state when he or she lives with the force of bestowal. Of course, one rises and falls again, but a person already begins to conquer this territory, “the field that the Creator has blessed” where one is in understanding, awareness, and yearning to adhere to faith.

If I do not check what I have received, it is called faith below reason. After all, I do not have knowledge; I did not recount what I received, but simply took it for its word. It turns out that my faith is even lower than reason: There is no knowledge, just blind faith. In spirituality, this is not considered faith, it is only so in religion.

For faith above reason, I first must have my opinion and know what is happening according to it. I know that there is not a $1,000 in the envelope, but $999 or even just $1, but I accept it as $1,000. This difference determines my spiritual degree. I need these two clear points: reason and faith, Malchut and Bina.1

Faith above reason means that I accept $999 as $1,000 from the bottom of my heart. Clearly, it is not advisable to do so in a store. We are not talking about this world but only about the spiritual one. In the spiritual space, we must go by faith above reason because we are building our attitude toward the Creator above our reason, increasing so. Spirituality is not based on the force of knowledge, but on the force of faith.

I advance based on what Kabbalists say because I do not want to rely on the opinion of my egoism. The more I can annul myself before the upper one, the more I acquire the force of faith with which I can advance with the mind and heart of the upper one.

In the corporeal world, it does not work because there is only one space in it. However, in the spiritual space, there are two degrees: me and the upper one (the AHP of the upper) and I go according to the opinion of the AHP of the upper. I include myself into the opinion of the upper one, and since I cleave to it, I can rise together with it. That is only because I accepted its opinion that becomes my faith.

This is the difference between the upper and the lower degrees. In the perception (in the Kelim) of the upper one this is $1,000 and in my perception (in my Kelim) it is $999. I understand, feel, and know that I am $1 short and I only have $999 in my pocket, not $1,000. Yet, in the Kelim of the upper, I have $1,000; I fill this empty area with the force of the upper one and feel myself complete because of him.2

It is written about faith above reason, “They have eyes but they will not see; they have ears but they will not hear.” I have eyes, ears, heart, mind; I am a smart person and understand and feel everything on my degree, judging only by what my eyes see, and I stand firmly on the ground. However, the question is how can I rise to the degree above myself, by which lift? Where is this elevator, this means, with the help of which I will change my feelings and reason to the feelings and reason of the higher degree in order to rise from the state “I” to “I + 1”? To do this, I need to go by faith above reason.3

From above, an empty space is revealed to me all the time and I must fill it with faith. When I fill it with faith, I feel how for me it is getting filled with reason. Then again darkness is revealed, the empty space that needs to be filled with faith. With this force of faith, I rise to the next degree, which again will turn into reason. This is how we grow: conception-nursing-maturity (Ibur-Yenika-Mochin) each time rising and perceiving the darkness and emptiness that are revealed to us as part of the higher, following above us degree.4
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/5/19, “The Work in Faith Above Reason”

1 Minute 6:20
2 Minute 11:50
3 Minute 27:40
4 Minute 1:29:10

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