Enter The Sensation Of The Common Soul


This means that every person from Israel is guaranteed to finally attain all the wonderful attainments that the Creator had contemplated in the Thought of Creation to delight every creature. And one who has not been awarded in this life will be granted in the next life, etc., until one is awarded completing His Thought, which He had planned for him.

And while one has not attained perfection, the Lights that are destined to reach him are considered Surrounding Lights. That means that they stand ready for him, but are waiting for him to purify his vessels of reception, at which time these Lights will clothe the able vessels. (Baal HaSulam, “Introduction to The Study of the Ten Sefirot”).

A person should try to develop the quality of bestowal, the quality of connection between the shattered parts of the common creation, of the common soul, to connect them together, and to participate in this as much as possible. This is the implementation of the condition of “love your neighbor as yourself.”

To the extent that he approaches or even implements the condition of “love your neighbor,” the inner energy shines upon him, the so-called love, the connection between the broken parts.

It attracts these parts to each other and helps them form one single whole, one soul, already on a new level because egoism has entered between them with its minus and the plus became higher than the minus; that is, it grew due to minus.

Therefore, a person receives a huge new soul, the quality of bestowal, the quality of attainment called the upper world.

Question: While in the biological body, a person, as if, enters the sensation of this common soul. Will one continue to live in it once the body dies?

Answer: One has nothing to do with the other. Our animal body is necessary in order to begin to enter this soul, to feel it and to begin building it.

Question: Does it mean that through our bodies, we, as if, establish the first contact with other people, and then this all happens on the sensory level?

Answer: Yes, and completely outside of the bodies.
From KabTV’s “Basics of Kabbalah,” 12/11/18

Related Material:
One Soul
Gather The Parts Of The Collective Soul
Me And The General Soul

New Life 1152 – Perceiving The Reverse World

New Life 1152 – Perceiving The Reverse World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe

It is possible to get out of the body, replace my limited, egoistic perception, and feel a different reality based on giving. All of reality consists of me—my qualities and what I feel—and it changes when my desires change. We can transcend our egoistic perception by rising above it and developing senses for absorbing reality in a new way. When we exit from the perception of self-benefit to the perception of the benefit-of-others, we reveal an opposite world. Giving becomes precious and the upper world becomes tangible when we develop our mind and feelings according to the law of equivalence of form.
From KabTV’s “New Life 1152 – Perceiving The Reverse World,” 8/8/19

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 9/26/19

Lesson Preparation

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Lesson on the Topic “Rosh Hashanah” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 48

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Audio Version Of The Blog – 9/25/19

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My Thoughts On Twitter 9/25/19

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

It is impossible to pull out one resistor or transistor from the computer and understand the construction of the entire system from it. If we feel the need to expand and start thinking about all the world groups —this is a sign that we are ready to achieve a connection in the ten on a higher level.

We are working to expand our global connection (Kli). In order to correctly unite with your ten with greater precision and inner strength, scrutinizing additional details and eventually revealing the Creator in it, we must care about a wider circle.

Corrections go beyond knowledge and wishes of egoism. Our work is to come back to “There is none else besides Him.” In a place where the Creator is lacking, I must add Him. When I don’t do this, I ask forgiveness and demand strength, understanding, and sensitivity in order to see the possibility to correct.

During Slichot (repentance), we ask forgiveness for the inability to annul our egoism for the sake of our unity.
All our actions are simple, but due to their large number, constant efforts to annul ourselves and connect with each other, we achieve spiritual attainment and advancement.
#Slichot #repentance #RoshHashanah
From Twitter, 9/25/19

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My Thoughts On Twitter 9/24/19
My Thoughts On Twitter 9/23/19
My Thoughts On Twitter 9/20/19

For The Good Of The Whole Body

laitman_962.7Israel is called “I am the head” (Li Rosh), and therefore, by correcting itself, it corrects the whole body of the common soul, that is, all the other nations. The correction of the body is the main goal. It cannot correct itself on its own but only by means of correcting Israel, the head. The spiritual body of Israel exists only for connection with the nations of the world. Of course, we are not talking about material bodies.1

If a person decides to fast, his body suffers even though the decision is made by the head. The body does not understand why it should suffer; it did not decide anything, and therefore, it is perplexed. This is how the nations of the world suffer from all kinds of problems, climatic anomalies, and other adversities, and do not understand why they deserve all this. After all, they do not decide anything and cannot influence these phenomena.

But instinctively, they feel that there is a head responsible for these decisions, called Israel. Due to the incorrect, corrupt behavior of this head, the body suffers. The head itself also suffers, but not as much as the body. There are billions of people in the world who are suffering, starving to death, getting sick with all kinds of diseases, and who is to blame? In truth, it is Israel that is to blame. Therefore, the natural reaction on the part of the body is instinctive hatred.

It is like a body that was forced to go on a hunger strike for a purpose it does not know and with which it does not agree. The head decided that it was going to starve now, and the body suffers. The body does not make decisions; it has no head, only the stomach that needs to be filled. The body needs to fill its vessel, but it feels that it is not allowed to do so, and the stomach is empty. Therefore, the body hates the head without understanding why this is happening.

The body cannot understand, cannot decide, and cannot accept the restriction because it needs the filling. The head does not provide the filling, and therefore, the body curses the head. There is only one solution here: the head must behave correctly and attach the body to itself. When they become one, the body will understand that this hunger strike and all other actions are for the good of the whole body, for the good of the Creator.

First of all, it is the head that must be fixed so that there is unity in it: the correct thoughts and good decisions. Then, the head will act with the body according to the desire of the upper one, that is, the Creator: it will attach the body to itself and will act together with it as a whole organism to its full height.

Israel must unite with the intention to lead to connection of the upper force with the body, the nations of the world, by means of its correction. It is for this purpose that we exist. We are only an adapter, a connecting channel between the Creator and the nations of the world.

All evil in the world is a consequence of the fact that the head is organized incorrectly. All the good that still exists in the world comes to us from the Creator as an advance. Israel is a corrupt head between the Creator and the nations of the world. Therefore, we receive blows from both the Creator and the nations of the world. The nations of the world must know about the mission of the people of Israel in order to push us purposefully.

They must understand what the correction depends on and why they hate Israel. Baal HaSulam explains that the dissemination of this knowledge among the nations of the world must precede correction, as the Pharaoh, who knew about the destiny of the people of Israel and allowed them to leave. Then the pressure of the nations of the world will become constructive, and we will work together.2
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/12/19, A Kli [vessel] that Holds a Blessing for Israel

1 Minute 5:55
2 Minute 7:59

Related Material:
“Isra-El” Is Responsible For The Whole World
Independence From Our Nature
New Life #1119 – Human Society As A Single Body

What Causes Anti-Semitism On The Left? (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: What causes anti-Semitism on the left?

Anti-Semitism emerged together with the emergence of the Jewish people in ancient Babylon about 4,000 years ago. Likewise, there are no causes of anti-Semitism specifically coming from the political left or right, as they both stem from the very causes of the phenomenon of anti-Semitism itself.

Hatred toward the Jewish people has been a regularly recurring phenomenon over the course of history, starting in ancient Babylon, and taking place in many additional ways to how it appears from a particular political standpoint.

What happened in ancient Babylon?

It was a time of great social turmoil marked by the shattering of the Tower of Babel, where the Babylonians felt an outburst of the human ego (desires for self-aimed benefit) and stopped understanding each other.

Due to the calling of the time, a Babylonian priest, Abraham, discovered a way of rising above humanity’s divisive inclinations to reveal the single and unified force of nature. He taught and promoted this method of uniting above divisions to whoever was interested.

Abraham called the people who gathered around him, “the people of Israel”: “Israel” from the words “Yashar Kel,” i.e., directed at the unified force of nature, God (according to Gematria, “nature” and “God” are one and the same).

Essentially, Abraham showed people a path to the discovery of the unified single force of nature via exercising relations of “love your neighbor as yourself” and “love will cover all transgressions” in society.

After attaining newfound unity above the social division of the time, the group that gathered around Abraham endured a further outgrowth of the ego over the following 200 years, which ruptured their unification.

This period became known as the “ruin of the Temples.”

The ego that grew in those times once again divided this people, as they failed to overcome it with positive connection.

Their hatred rose so much that Rabbi Akiva, who was the leader of the people of Israel during the ruin of the Second Temple, requested an end to the hatred. No one heard his calling, and consequentially the people of Israel dispersed.

Since their dispersion, the people of Israel have lived through a period of exile.

The people of Israel share no biological connection. They emerged based on an ideological connection as a people who realized “love your friend as yourself” and “love will cover all transgressions” upon the social division of the time. Without holding onto this ideological connection, they feel nothing holding them together.

However, if they are hated by other nations, then they assemble. On the contrary, if they’re not hated by other nations, then they continue dispersing around the world.

Today, the human ego has become overblown to enormous proportions. It stands behind the increasing division and hatred in societies, nations and between nations, and it becomes expressed as an ever-increasing amount of interest groups, parties and factions.

As social division intensifies, the increasing need for unity among the nations of the world becomes expressed as a feeling of hatred toward the people of Israel.

Why does such hatred appear specifically targeted at the people of Israel?

It surfaces naturally and justifiably, because since we once attained the heightened state of unity above division, we innately hold the method to be able to unite and thereby calm down the tensions abounding in the world.

Since we fail to yet realize this method of our unification, then we block unity from spreading to other nations. They feel its lack. The myriad problems and crises bubbling around the planet due to increasing social division further intensify the hatred and blame that fall upon the people of Israel.

Here, too, the people of Israel have an additional problem in that they’re unaware of what they’re not bringing to the world. Therefore, as anti-Semitic sentiment increases, neither anti-Semites nor Jews know how to point out the core reason for the phenomenon.

They point out leftist or rightist political views, from the State of Israel’s oppression of Palestine through to the Jews’ disproportionate influence on governments and the financial sector, in order to justify their hatred. But the hatred itself precedes the reasoning that it dresses.

If we continue developing without providing a method for uniting above the hatred, then we’re headed toward yet another Holocaust that will be not only in Europe, but worldwide.

We have the choice today to replace the goading, negative form of anti-Semitism with a new, positive form of unification above our differences.

By implementing our method to connect ourselves and people around the world, we would start opening up new sensations and perceptions of the reality we’re in, simultaneously bringing about harmony, happiness and peace in the world. If we will fail to do so, we will continue experiencing growing anti-Semitism.

It is my hope that we’ll start realizing the immensely valuable treasure we have in our hands: a method to unite and bring unity to humanity as a whole.

Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 4

624.02Prayer and Prayer Books

Question: In Kabbalah, prayer means to “judge yourself.” What does that mean?

Answer: It means that a person evaluates himself, his qualities, and checks based on what properties he measures and evaluates the Creator. Therefore, he judges himself: Am I doing it right, am I rising above my egoism, can I be objective, etc.?

A person carries out internal clarifications of the level of one’s perception, how objective it is and how correctly one senses the Creator, undisturbed by one’s inner egoism.

Question: Is it possible to say that prayer is the realization of what a person desires from the current state and what state one aspires to? This delta causes a necessary internal request in the person, and although one does not understand whom one is addressing, a person senses changes within himself.

Answer: Precisely.

Question: And this nothing to do with those prayer books also written by Kabbalists?

Answer: Everything is much more complicated here. Prayer books are what the Kabbalists wrote for themselves, that is, a research plan of their own perceptions and how it can be corrected and adjusted.

Kabbalistic prayer books are a whole system of human interaction within himself, with the world, and the Creator, which is inside him. This is very serious instruction and very serious work.

Question: What if you just read what they wrote as is traditionally accepted on holidays without understanding it? Does it have any effect?

Answer: The fact is that there is an ordinary prayer book and there is a Kabbalistic one. A Kabbalistic prayer book will be understood only by a Kabbalist, and only starting from a certain level. An ordinary prayer book can be understood by anyone who knows this language.

Remark: But the usual prayer book was also written by Kabbalists.

My Comment: Yes, but the Kabbalistic prayer book deals with the interaction of forces and the human being. In an ordinary prayer book, this is conveyed in a language understandable to everyone.

Question: So can prayer be divided into two parts? Is one of them my inner prayer that now I really am lacking in relation to the state I want to come to, what pains me right now?

Answer: Yes. There is also a prayer that the Kabbalists wrote. If I read it, it will be like an instruction of spiritual elevation for me. Although I don’t yet feel such states, it nevertheless raises me, helps me.
From KabTV’s “Basics of Kabbalah,” 12/17/18

Related Material:
Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 3
Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 2
Kabbalah And Beliefs, Part 1

What Is The Difference Between Philosophy And Kabbalah?

laitman_600.01Question: I read in Wikipedia that Kabbalah and philosophy are two systems of knowledge about man and the world and that both are based on the same question—the question of the purpose of existence.

If we talk about the origins of philosophy, the German philologist and humanist Johann Reichlin (XV-XVI century) wrote that his teacher Pythagoras, the father of philosophy, adopted his teaching not from the Greeks but rather from the Jews. Therefore, he should be called a Kabbalist, and he was the first to translate the word “Kabbalah,” unknown to his contemporaries, into Greek as “philosophy.”

Did the Greeks study with Kabbalists?

Answer: The Greeks studied with Kabbalists in the time of the Jewish prophets.

At that time, people were already connected and the Jews accepted everyone who wanted to study. Just like in ancient Babylon, those who wanted to joined Abraham and those who did not could join later. Kabbalah was open to all.

Question: What is the difference between Kabbalah and philosophy? Is it the fact that Kabbalah does not take into account abstract and speculative reasoning, for example, about the soul and God, as philosophy does?

Answer: Yes, because philosophy does not have a clear tool to approach a person, how to start “poking around” in it, to study desires and their various gradations, and examine a person’s intentions. So, there is no difference between intentions for my sake and for the sake of others.

Philosophy does not study how to exit ourselves toward others, to raise and lower our desires, how to work when you are in an ascent or descent of desires and intentions, and so on. That is, Kabbalah is a science and huge internal spiritual psychology.

Question: Can we say that philosophers are people who studied under Kabbalists, but did not achieve the understanding of the Creator; that is, they did not acquire a screen, but simply remained at the level of knowledge and then developed a science called “philosophy”?

Answer: Of course. Since they could not attain the upper world and the Creator, they began to develop it in the direction of logical thinking, using their mind and conclusions.

Therefore, philosophy is, of course, not a science. Today, only those who still want to spend their lives in fruitless thoughts become philosophers.
From KabTV’s “Basics of Kabbalah,” 12/13/18

Related Material:
The Wisdom Of Kabbalah And Philosophy: Who Has The Last Word?
All Sciences Examine The Creator
Kabbalah And Other Sciences, Philosophy, and Religion

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 9/25/19

Lesson Preparation

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Rosh Hashanah” 

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah,” Item 46

[media 5] [media 6]