My Thoughts On Twitter 6/16/19

Dr Michael Laitman Twitter

#Time is measured only according to the empty desire and its filling. If there is no empty desire and filling, if everything is of equal value, perfect and filled, then time is not felt.

We live under the Governance of the Upper Force, which put us on the path toward unity. All deviations from this path only lead to problems. The group Isra-El has no other choice but to move forward, toward fulfilling the rule of love of others, which it was founded on.

Desire to receive is the product that should take the shape of the Creator. Like an inflatable toy that resembles a wrinkled rag, but when inflated, you see that it is a balloon. In the same way the creature takes the form of the Creator and becomes a man, Adam, meaning “similar” to the Creator.

Our job is to want to leave the inanimate degree, reach the Master of the program, and oblige Him to govern us in a new way. Only through the Creator can we act differently. To change anything inside oneself is only possible by appealing to the Creator and obliging Him to change us. “My sons have defeated Me.”

All problems stem from the fact that we attribute what is happening to chance, rather than to the absolute program of Nature (or the Creator, which is the same). This prompts our actions, which lead to crises in order to push us to reevaluate what is happening and to reveal the Upper evolution.

Elections around the world have shown that #nationalism is growing. International organizations are not able to introduce programs of re-education. Without connecting above #hatred, the world inevitably moves toward #war.
The fact that only the power of the Kabbalistic groups may outweigh the forces of #evil becomes revealed …

The world should prepare for the transition from trade wars and sanctions to the collapse of #economic, and later on, all kinds of egoistic relations between countries, following which, within the countries too. This is the next crisis. #Globalization will end.
The world will have to think about “how to exist” …

Re-election in #Israel
We need to rise above our differences. Our salvation lies only in unity. If we understand that there is no other way, and take “love your neighbor as yourself” as a foundation, above our doubts, or various ambitions, debates—we’ll solve all the problems.
#jewish #election
From Twitter, 6/16/19

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