The Difference Between Corporeal Fear And Spiritual Fear

laitman_260.01Fear can be the fear of death, or the fear of uncertainty. What is the difference between fear and trepidation?

When I work with my desire to enjoy out of fear for myself, for my egoism, that is called fear. If I work with my desire for the sake of bestowal to the Creator and I doubt whether I bestow to Him or not without thinking about myself, that is called trepidation.

Fear is where my egoism (for me) is, and trembling is where the Creator (for the Creator) is. Fear is a consequence of the lack of faith.1

Corporeal fear shows that we lack spiritual fear. If I have fear of the Creator, then there no room for corporeal fear; I will elevate it to the spiritual level. It is important why I am doing this: do I want to get rid of the corporeal fear or I am joyful about it because it is an incentive for me to reach trepidation toward the Creator?

Fear is a sensation in the will to receive, and trepidation is in the desire to bestow. Therefore, it is necessary to use fear in a very prudent, minimally possible form since it does not correspond to the good desire of the friends and the good desire of the Creator.

It is necessary to elevate the greatness and the importance of the Creator to the maximum in order for it to be the driving force that pulls us forward, and not fear that pushes us from behind.

I imagine the greatness of Creator, and therefore, I strive toward Him, not in order to hide from the problem but to strive toward the source of goodness. That is, we must steer close toward bestowal to the maximum.2

You only need to be afraid that you will stop thinking about the Creator, that there is none else besides Him who is good and does good, falling into this world and neglecting the Creator instead of appreciating Him, and about disconnecting from the ten and forgetting about your friends.

I am ready to be connected to the Creator, but my connection with Him through the group is constantly disrupted. The Creator is an unchanging force, but the soul, that is, the ten, changes all the time, and because of that I lose it every second. Therefore, I am in fear of losing my soul (Kli), the ten. Suddenly, I will fall and get carried away in the turbulent stream and they will be unable to save me or they will not be able to dig and extract me from my egoistic prison.

If I break away from the ten, it means that I break away from the Creator. If I am separated from the ten but think that I am connected to the Creator, it means that it is not the Creator but a completely opposite direction and I have lost all 180 degrees, as it is written: “Thou hast not called upon Me, O Jacob.”3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/10/19, “To Increase The Greatness of The Creator In Our Eyes”
1 Minute 1:21:40
2 Minute 1:27:15
3 Minute 1:44:11

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