Audio Version Of The Blog – 12/10/18

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Two Conditions For Attaining The Creator

laitman_943Rabash, “Concerning the Importance of Friends”: But in the essay, “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar,” it is written, “The measure of the greatness comes under two conditions:

  1. to always listen and receive the appreciation of society, to the extent of their greatness; the environment should be great, as it is written, ‘In the multitude of people is the king’s glory.’”
  2. The bigger the environment is in my eyes, the greater confidence, strength and the ability to act quantitatively and qualitatively it gives me.

What is more important here: quality or quantity? Of course, in our state, quality is much more important. We are always in small quantities, but since we are in the last generation, we must take care that there are both quality and quantity. Moreover, both are generally achievable.

To accept the first condition, each student must feel that he is the smallest among all the friends

And for the second condition, each student must extol each friend’s merit as though he were the greatest in the generation.

Question: Rabash gives two steps here that we are always confused about. If I am lower than others, aren’t they automatically higher than me?

Answer: No! It depends on how you became lower than others. You either found out that they are really huge that raises them in your eyes, and therefore, you became lower, or you lower yourself.

It depends on what you are working on to be below them: on their elevation or on your own humiliation. There are two possibilities, two types of work.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 5/9/18

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Hanukkah Is The Closest Spiritual Station

laitman_285.04All Jewish holidays,  joyful and mournful days, refer to the spiritual process followed by the special group called Israel. In the past, this group already passed through some states in potential, and now it has to implement them in practice. We are approaching this implementation, and therefore we have to learn what should be done on every holiday or special day, as it is written: “The actions of the fathers are a sign for the sons.”

Some holidays were originally set through an awakening from above and others were set by people through an awakening from below. Hanukkah is a special holiday that is not mentioned in the Torah. It comes entirely from the awakening from below, from the degree of Bina, from the created beings wishing to achieve bestowal, the state of smallness, GE, stopping along the way (Chanu-ko) before continuing further.

After acquiring the bestowing desires of GE (Galgalta ve Eynaim), we move to the purpose of creation, to the desires of AHP. This holiday is called spiritual because it relates to the bestowing desires of GE, to the degree of Bina, unlike Purim where we use the receiving desires, and therefore, the customs are completely opposite. Purim relates to the end of correction and it is called a corporeal holiday because the spiritual descends to the corporeal world, correcting and fulfilling the desires of the AHP.

Hanukkah is closer to us than Purim, and so it is more understandable. We can imagine what it is to be in bestowal, above our desire, opposite to it, acting above it. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study the customs of Hanukkah in order to try to approach the closest spiritual degree. All spiritual degrees are based on this condition because each of them begins with GE, the state of smallness, which is the main one, and the state of greatness is just an addition that comes and goes.

Hanukkah is a very special holiday and let us hope that during the week of celebrating it, we will be able to reach this state, scrutinize, and realize it.1

The events related to the holiday of Hanukkah are told in an allegorical language, but our difficulty is that instead of a spiritual state, we imagine a corporeal one. Actually, it is about inner actions and phenomena in which only the desire and the Light, the Creator and the created being, participate, nothing else.

If we want to know what is happening inside such a state, then the Light comes and begins to correct the desire, elevating it to the degree of Bina. Malchut rises to Bina, that is, to the degree of Hanukkah. Malchut must rise to Keter, but it makes a stop in Bina along the way.

In our corporeal life we also celebrate such a state because there was a group that began to develop in spirituality who formed from representatives of various nations living in ancient Babylon, and they called themselves Israel. In their inner, spiritual development, they experienced such states and told about them in the words of the corporeal world. Now we are studying this in both a corporeal and spiritual form.

They established a calendar according to which we celebrate these special events, and called them external traditions, which include lighting candles and cooking food in oil.

The holiday of Hanukkah lasts seven days because the correction must go through all the Sefirot of the Partzuf: Hessed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut. It is only about inner desires.2

The most important thing are the disturbances and the work on them. It is impossible to advance without disturbances. The disturbances and our reaction to them are the only thing that advances us toward the purpose of creation. Then we understand that these are not disturbances, but “help against.” Advancement is possible only through additional egoism, the desire to enjoy, due to which we fall, stop understanding and feeling, cannot move, and only want to sleep.

These are the very disturbances by which when we overcome them, and preferably quickly with the help of the group, we are advancing. All our work, our development, every step forward occurs only through the revelation of disturbances. It is written: “A thousand times the righteous will fall and rise again.”

Advancement is based on descents and ascents. You need to see the disturbance in advance and use it as an aid along the way. The work with obstacles and disturbances happens continuously.3
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/2/18, Lesson on the Topic of “Hanukkah”
1 Minute 0:20
2 Minute 1:26:40
3 Minute 1:30:00

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The First Candle Is Lit In The Chain Of Unity
Quite Rational Miracle
Thrive Global: “Hanukkah: Setting Aside One Week For Life Transformation”

Why Does Humanity Have No Knowledge Of The Purpose Of Creation?

laitman_423.02Remark: If a person doesn’t read Rabash or Baal HaSulam, he would not know about the purpose of creation. It seems odd because humanity has made so many advancements and conducted a lot of research, but still has not come to this realization.

My Comment: This is because the human mind is not ready for it. People speak of nature being an interconnected single organism, but a person cannot adapt to this because he is different from it. He is not integrally connected to nature or society, and thus cannot achieve it on his own. He has no integral mind, no integral sensitivity or perception.

He is characterized by an egoistic perception, an egoistic connection with the rest of the world: take, grab, seize. Not being integrally connected with the world, he is separated from it, he remains inside himself. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand, perceive or feel nature as perfectly holistic and integral.

Kabbalah gradually begins to develop within us our integral perception of reality. Moreover, it says that you see the reality that you create yourself. Here you see a clash with modern psychology. You begin to perceive yourself as a projector of reality: you create the world, you depict it.

In the end, it turns out that there is no reality, it is all inside you. It follows that you have to, somehow, change yourself in order to investigate it. You get the opportunity to do this, by developing yourself, by becoming integral. You then begin to use yourself like a machine, like a laboratory. In other words, by changing your qualities you feel how the reality you feel changes.

You depict it, you create it, and you become the Creator of your reality, of your life. Also, you see how all the people, the animals, the vegetative, and the inanimate world, including all the cosmos, are a projection of your inner qualities: inanimate, vegetative, animate and human components—the first, second, third, and fourth stages of your egoism.

You can see whether this reality is corrected, meaning whether it is integrally connected with the other parts.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 12/8/18

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Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 12/10/18

Lesson Preparation

[media 1] [media 2]

Lesson on the Topic “Revealing The Creator In The Connection Between Us” (Preparation for the Virtual Convention 2018)

[media 3] [media 4]

Writings of Baal HaSulam, “Exile and Redemption”

[media 5] [media 6]