No Homework Trend

Dr. Michael LaitmanFrom My Facebook Page Michael Laitman 8/9/18

Who liked to do homework when they were little?

We always hated doing homework, we complained about it, and we looked at it as hard labor. We perceived it as a burden that enslaved us to the school and to the teachers. A burden that did not end at school, but also continued in our free time.

There was also tension in the house. Our parents would pressure and threaten us with restrictions if we did not finish all our homework, right up to the last exercise. And if we were lucky, we could do the chores instead. And when we did all the tasks, it was only out of fear that the teachers would be checking who didn’t do their homework in the next lesson. Two days later we had already forgotten what we had learned.

Thus, the new ‘no homework’ trend sweeping the U.S. and other western countries proves that the research was correct: homework has no effect on elementary school achievement, and it doesn’t significantly improve learning habits and motivation for learning.

This is why the standard format of homework is either being eliminated or significantly reduced gradually in many parts of the world, and this includes teachers not being able to punish students who do not do their homework. What will children do in the afternoon? Instead of homework, the recommendation is to encourage students to read books, get more exercise, and rest.

My opinion on the subject? Educational offices around the world have finally educated themselves. This is just the beginning of thinking correctly and finding creative ways to approach our children. Human nature only allows a person to grow where they enjoy themselves, and want to realize themselves. And the proof of that is how we completely forget everything we did not like to learn at school.

On the other hand, if children learn about life by reading the books they love and watching fascinating videos —even if it is through their mobile device, which has become their natural environment—they can surely benefit from that. Children will be more interested in what they learn, they will gain insights, they will be happier and more relaxed. In turn, both the teachers and parents will be relieved.

Science, nature, geography, archeology, sociology, and so forth could easily become engaging and captivating content for children. And after they consume the content, they should immediately have a social discussion about it. By conversing about materials they enjoyed consuming, students will have a healthy basis for communication and connection between them.

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