Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 4 – Slaves Of The Ego

Laitman_115_06Question: Is an ascent above egoism logical for the ordinary person?

Answer: What is meant by an ordinary person or an unusual person? Today, an ordinary person is a thousand times more developed than a sage of two thousand years ago. So, the term “ordinary” is relative. In any case, all of us must reach a state where we need to be elevated above the egoism that holds us in its tiny world, requiring us to think only about ourselves thereby limiting our possibilities.

Through its constant development, egoism is leading us into a crisis. Today, millions of people—especially in developed nations—feel it, and it is felt at the societal level and the level of production.

If this still is not felt in the less developed nations, then it is only a matter of time as the interpenetration in humanity happens very rapidly. Ultimately, everyone will feel it, including the most ordinary people.

They will understand that to exist in the framework of the present egoistic nature means being a slave to settings that are imposed upon you, all kinds of trends, fashions, etc. They will begin to feel that sense of lack of freedom depends upon the growth of their egoism. After all, with development it reveals how it is limited and is only human slavery.

Baal HaSulam compared the exit from egoism to a worm living within a radish. It feels how bitter and dark its world is, and, when it crawls outside it suddenly sees a completely different, sparkling world. But what motivates it to crawl out of the radish? It is the developing ego that functions as its own undertaker. The bitter radish represents the suffering that pushes us out of our closed world.

We can remain here no longer and somehow must get out of it because there is a program of nature; our final state exists initially, only we need to discover ourselves within it. This depends on the inner drives toward the development of our desire, the connections between us.
To be continued.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/11/15

Related Material:
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 3 – Absolute Freedom
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 2 – Advanced Slavery
Imaginary And True Freedom, Part 1 – Shackles In Imaginary Freedom

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