Advancing As Rational Beings

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: The next phase in the development of humanity is the transition to a completely new level of consciousness. But it lacks logic, that a large number of leaders and businessmen will be involved with issues like these. What for them does this transition symbolize?

Answer: I think that if people listened to the laws of nature, to those who study nature, then they would profit from it. The fact that they are like small children trying to close their eyes and play with their toys certainly brings no benefit to them nor to the world because a gradual accumulation of negative potential takes place.

We need to try to explain and to disseminate this knowledge; there is no other choice. In the end they still will be heard. One more beating, and then another, and in the end, somewhere along the middle, moving between the suffering and consciousness, we, in any case, will decide that it is enough and that we desire to move forward as rational beings.

But by completely closing our eyes and not paying attention to it, we are going in a completely opposite direction to nature, and there could be serious consequences to this.

The key to cooperative mutual activity between people is their relationship where we need to create a system parallel to nature. Thus, to a businessman who operates a company and has influence on people’s mutual activity, I would suggest setting up a course of integral education of at least two hours a week at his place of business.

We need to explain to the employees about the integral system, mutual dependency, about mutual support, and how it provides a person with the state of inner security, of tranquility. Their manager will see to what extent people will begin to cooperate with each other in a much more effective way. They will stop “jamming the wheels.” They will have the motivation and will begin to quickly agree with each other and reach mutual solutions. We all know that the lack of trust and desire inhibits the production process.

Motivation is related to the fact that we teach people how to relate to each other correctly. They will suddenly discover within themselves great forces, kindness, correct cooperation, and mutual understanding in solving all kinds of problems. Absenteeism will be reduced in connection to family problems, to illnesses, and people will be more active, healthier, and friendlier. Let’s begin today and see what happens in another month or two.
From KabTV’s “Through Times” 3/17/13

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