“Angel” And “Devil” Parts Of The Brain Battle For Supremacy Inside Us

crisis5In the News (from The Telegraph): People have “angel” and “devil” parts of the brain that are in constant battle over their self control, a study has shown. The “angel” area is strong in individuals with good self control but less pronounced in the weak-willed… The angel section leads a person to weigh abstract considerations such as “healthiness” against the basic desires of the devil part when craving rich food… Those whose “angels” did not speak loudly enough chose the tastier foods, regardless of nutritional value.

Dr. Antonio Rangel, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), whose research appears in the journal Science, said: “From the perspective of modern neuroscience, the question becomes, ‘what is special about the circuitry of brains that can exercise good behavioural self-control?'”

My Comment: Actually, it doesn’t matter what is special about it, since we cannot change the brain. The brain is just an executing mechanism that’s activated by a prior decision that one makes: one assesses the goal he is going for and how important that goal is. And the latter already depends on one’s free choice: whether he will place himself under the influence of a society that will restructure his priorities.

This is how we were created in order to be able to discover the need to surround ourselves with the right environment and to build a complete connection with one another. This way – under the influence of others – one can safeguard oneself from bad decisions and behaviors, and consequently, from suffering.

For more on this, see the section, “The Influence of the Environment,” in the article “The Freedom.”

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Laitman.com Post: The Mysteries of Our Perception
Laitman.com Post: Choosing the Right Environment Is Our Only Choice
Laitman.com Post: Where Is Our Freedom?
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: 14. In the Global Era.”Little Me in You, Little You in Me”

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