Entries in the 'Family' Category

A Civilization Of The Mindless

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Lately there is such a direction as behavioral economics. Many studies show that humans are not rational creatures, but instead, they are managed by sensory impulses, and they often act to their own detriment. Do you agree with this assertion?

Answer: A human being is a desire to receive and the desire to receive is devoid of logic (rationality). Each one chooses exactly what to enjoy for himself. But apparently my rational choice is contingent on education, habit, and values.

There are also other factors: fear of death, a desire to succeed, and looking good in the eyes of one’s peers in his environment. The survival and sexual instincts play a role that is no less important.

Question: For quite some time, psychologists have attempted to identify those hidden forces that don’t permit us to make rational (logical) decisions.

Answer: Today, on the long road of development, and through our increased power, we see that our entire civilization is completely irrational. It acts destructively towards itself and deliberately chooses the way of suffering.

For example, a mother teaches her child: “Be conciliatory towards others, be quiet, then you will have more friends.”  Whereas he says adamantly: “I don’t want to!” We see  examples of this not only in children. Adults and entire groups of people fight, kill, and destroy each other only out of envy, vanity and a desire to dominate.

It is completely understood that the aspiration to fulfill our inner drives and our irrationality is what manages us and we only employ our intellect later, when it is necessary for getting what we want.

Question: The expression, “Humans are emotional creatures” indicates that he feels the awakening of some desire within him. To what is he sensitive?

Answer: He is sensitive to what he is missing, which is to say, according to what he needs. He pays attention to himself all the time: “What do I want? What kind of desire is aroused in me now obliging me to fulfill it? I am a slave to my desires; they dominate me.”

Question: If intellect only serves the desires, where is wisdom found?

Answer: It is found within the desire. The desire to receive is our nature. This is apparent on all levels. Atoms maintain their form, plants absorb beneficial substances and emit harmful substances, and animals multiply. All of this is the desire to receive and fulfill itself with all kinds of pleasant things according to a program that exists in each individual.

That is how wisdom manifests itself on the levels of the still, vegetative, and animate. Except in humans, the program for life for all other living creatures cannot be changed. Every cat will eat fish for pleasure, even if it has never tasted it previously. Everything is different with humans. You don’t begin eating Chinese food if you are accumstomed to a Slavic cuisine from childhood. What can be derived from this is that humans undergo a unique program that we call education.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 7/11/13

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Playing With Community Life To Form Mutual Connections

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In today’s modern world, the greatest payoff for independence is loneliness. So how can I, on the one hand, keep my independence, and together with this gradually add elements to this life that will connect me with other people?

Answer: A person doesn’t have to give up anything in order to be included in the life of the community. On the one hand, this life is more developed, corrected, and warm, and on the other hand, you are included in it to the degree that you want, to the extent that is beneficial to you. You don’t give up anything in this.

As a general rule, we think that we need to give up our independence, our freedom, and our decisions. Come, let’s try to play with the life of the community, with agreement between us, with such a connection from a distance so that we reach a particular equality in all kinds of forms of connection. We open circles for children; we help each other mutually, and we disseminate new forms of learning in circles.

Come, let’s begin classes in organizations, workplaces, and various places where people meet, organizing meetings that look like a community, but external in the beginning. This could be a roundtable, a picnic, or a festival. Come, let’s begin to talk about the importance of such an approach to life.

With this, we begin to resemble the global nature that compresses and mixes humanity such that people are constantly moving from place to place, from nation to nation. It is no longer possible to say where the place of one group of people or another is to be found because borders have become blurred and cancelled.

Come, let’s start talking about this and clarify together how much a mutual connection of equality can be beneficial to a person as an addition to his life. In fact, we awaken in a person an additional form of thinking that doesn’t obligate anyone. It is just external participation. If we begin to work in this direction, then a person will almost immediately begin to feel additional benefit, so much so that it will be attractive to him, whereas the previous way of life will lose its value.

You want to keep your former life and add to it? Please! There is no compulsion! But gradually, thanks to this social influence, this softening, without pressure and obligation, changes will take place within you. It will also be felt in your children and your partner, and through this means of communication, everyone will begin to feel the benefit of this situation; in the meantime we are only playing, for after all all of us are egoists, and we aren’t even trying to hide this fact.

We only want to examine the validity of good connections and not the influence of the community on the life, wellbeing, the way of life at home, or anything else. Come, let’s try to feel its relevance to our region, city, and neighborhood in the relationships between us. It is not important what level of measurement we choose. With this we build a softer and more secure environment, reducing the tension in the air.

In the end, we see that growth in the general welfare of the population is worthwhile for us. In addition to this, the inner sensation of people becomes more pleasant, freer, and sweeter. Specifically a person wants this pleasantness, and specifically this is what everyone is missing, even the most independent and wealthy person.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/8/14

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If Young People Only Knew

Dr. Michael LaitmanOur world is divided into four categories: the still, vegetative, animate, and human levels, not in material form, but in the spiritual realm. After all, what makes us different from animals? It is our inner essence, our internal development. However physiologically, we belong to the same animal world.

We need to get beyond the concepts of time, motion, and space that are inherent to the first three levels, the still, vegetative, animate, and live on the level of man. We do not comprehend this level as yet, but it is waiting for us.

Question: Looking at the past, at the end of their life, the elderly regret the time wasted in the futile race for material enjoyment. They begin to feel that the force that fills the world is the power of bestowal and love, and regret that they worked too hard and did not give enough time for children, family, and friends.

What do old people feel looking back and what is not disclosed to young people who still have their whole lives in front of them? What kind of practical wisdom do mature people acquire and therefore regret for time lost and which young people do not know about at the beginning of their lives?

Answer: Elders and young ones have a difference in the means of enjoyment and sources of pleasure. Young people think that the sources of pleasure are food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge, and everyone wants to achieve them. And the older people already understand that there is no real fulfillment in all of this.

There is a material fulfillment by food, sex, family, wealth, fame, knowledge, but the real fulfillment is only in good communication between people, in love and sincere relationships. They regret that they have not invested enough in order to achieve such an interconnection, and to enjoy it and delight others by it.

Therefore, integral education should provide people, not only with knowledge of this, but also with the proof, because young people do not want to listen. For them, their whole life now is to get as much enjoyment from those things programmed internally, such as food, sex, family, money, honor, and knowledge. In actuality, true pleasure does not depend on time and is not limited by space, but rather it depends on sincere relationships between people and love for others.

One feels a genuine fulfillment only when connected to other people, and the connection between them starts to reveal a sincere relationship and mutual bestowal.

Then they reveal a sense of eternal life in this context, and this is related to the level of man, which is above the animal level. This step is not in our world and we need to recognize it, build it, form it, and dwell therein. After all, it is not connected with our body, but is connected to a new awareness, a new matrix of perception.

Question: What do you advise a young man who wants to manage his time? What is the best thing he should do in life?

Answer: Take care of all necessities in material life and then dedicate the rest of the time towards the implementation of the spiritual level, the level of Man (Adam), which is bestowal and love.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 4/22/14

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Ascending Above Time
So Time Doesn’t Slip Through Your Fingers
A Losing Competition Against Time

The Rapid Growth Of The Ego In Society

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Psychologists claim that 20 to 30 percent of the people living in our society are categorized as mentally ill. They are not a special threat to society and are not harmful, and so they can live among us. What does this phenomenon mean?

Answer: We all know that people who need to concentrate in order to solve difficult problems or to perform dangerous missions undergo special training. They practice under special conditions and according to a special program. When they have carried out their mission, they are allowed to rest so that they can restore their powers and get back to normal life.

We, on the other hand, are in a constant race for survival all our life. A worrisome reaction sinks into our subconscious and penetrates different systems, is processed and kept in our memory. This relates to everything that comes from the environment and thus our natural systems cannot cope with such so many problems that continue to get deeper and wider in scope.

Comment: At the same time, we claim that the society is more developed and more cultured.

Answer: Our society has become worse and more egoistic. It is especially evident among children. In kindergarten children are already competitive. At the age of three or four they are as mentally developed as eight or nine-year-old children were in the past. If in the past a child needed the company of his peers at the age of six or seven, today kids play with each other at the age of two or three.

They already have social skills and habits and they begin to compete and to adopt the desires of others, not to mention what goes on in school. In the classrooms, there is the class queen and the class hero and those who are popular and those who are rejected. This didn’t exist 40 or 50 years ago when kids were much more naive.

Such phenomena are a result of the influence of television and the movie industry. It seems that kids today are used to it, but in fact they are under great internal emotional pressure and monstrous feelings, starting from kindergarten.

Question: What can we do about it?

Answer: Look at what psychologists do. They gather people in small groups so that the participants will mutually support one another. By this mutual effect, they establish a protective wall behind which they exist. People come like frightened animals and unite into a group by holding on to one another. Then they feel that they are safer

We establish a society that serves as a wall for everyone who is incorporated in it by holding lectures, workshops, and discussions at roundtables. In this society, we not only find protection, but also a positive influence.

Question: Our whole life seems to be an endless competition, a continuous chase, that we cannot escape. Can there be positive competitions and how can we fulfill this?

Answer: The ego pushes us to compete, but society is dependent on how we fulfill these competitions. We don’t need to destroy any natural inclination that we have. Compete with one another as to who helps others more, who loves, smiles, and makes others feel good. Everything depends on the ability of society to see certain values as higher than others. Competitive sports are also a good idea.

We have to think of how to fill these inclinations and not just let a person manage them by himself. The whole game industry can still be relevant, but in a healthy manner. The inclination to gamble and look for adventures is natural and stems from our animate level to hunt and bring home prey.

Therefore, we should allow people to compete with each other and to participate in games, but these should be beneficial games. This is the essence.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/21/14

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Preventing The Regression Of Humanity
The Media Is A False-Bottomed Case
The End of The Slave Generation

Is There Love In Our World?

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How does the wisdom of Kabbalah relate to the concept of love?

Answer: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah there are two types of love: love of friends and love of the Creator. All the other types of love belong to the physiological level and so from a Kabbalistic perspective it is considered affection, mutual satisfaction, and a person’s obligation to his family and children, but not love.

Love refers to what is above our egoistic level and is revealed to a person when he attains spirituality. By restricting the use of his ego and ascending above it, a person exits himself, enters into the group and those around him, where he discovers love.

The fulfillment of love is expressed by caring about those around you. What is more, these are people who are strangers to me, not part of my family, not my relatives, and I am not interested in them at all.

But the moment I begin to discover them as an essential component necessary for my spiritual ascent, I realize that I must care for them and love them, since by the correct connection with them, I attain the Creator. Then from the love of those around me, I reach the love of the Creator.

Today love is nothing more than natural physiological actions that are also instinctively found in animals. In humans, however, love isn’t an instinct and it has turned into almost anything you can imagine.

In other words, we can regard it as a sport, exercise, or pleasure, but it isn’t the love the wisdom of Kabbalah refers to. It has nothing to do with the self-sacrifice for a sublime idea, like in the spiritual feeling called love.

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, love is incorporating the desires of those who are strangers to me inside me and caring about filling those desires more than my own desires. This becomes the goal of my life. I am ready to dedicate my whole life in order to fill the desires of others since this is what the Creator expects of me.

Question: Can such relations in a family also be called love?

Answer: Only if I transcend above the corporeal unity with my family and regard them as total strangers. If not, my relationship with them is on an ordinary physiological level.

Thus, there should be a strict understanding and division between the spiritual concept of love and the corporeal one. On the corporeal level the question: “Do you love me?” means “Are you ready to satisfy my personal desires?” It is an ordinary display of the ego. Therefore today we are witnessing an increase in the incidence of divorce and breakups of the family. But this trend is a sign of a reassessment of this generation’s values.
From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/23/14

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Kindling The Spark Of Light
Love Is Mutual Inclusion
Love that Egoists Are Not Familiar With

Real Love And Not Hypnosis

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How will an integral system help me cope with fear? Now I know only that I have no money in my wallet.

Answer: First, it is important to establish a proper relationship with family members, then with the environment. A person depends on the environment. All that is in his apartment was obtained through society.

Each individual is dependent on society and cannot be disconnected from it.  So let’s see how we can tie ourselves to the society so that everyone feels comfortable and, at the same time, feels responsible. Then there will be more confidence.

We must introduce a question of reciprocity between money and egoism and a requirement to be considerate towards others. Otherwise we would eat each other, like a cancer eats an entire body.

All this has to be explained gradually, attracting the evidence of scholars and the media so that a person would learn it in its entirety. We’re talking about feelings, the ones that gnaw at us and are impossible to neutralize with money: fear, worry, uncertainty.

Question: Why can a society give me, as a person, the warmth and confidence, which I myself cannot achieve?

Answer: Confidence, warmth, love, and a pleasant sensation are received from the outside, and depend entirely on the environment, and never on one’s self or one’s inner feelings. We can influence you so that we can take you through all the senses, from one extreme to the other. We will fill all of your bodily material desires with the optimal basket of consumption and all your human aspirations above this basket. What else?

A person should be able to keep himself in the inner equilibrium, inner harmony, and to feel good. Can it be completely healthy? Yes, and is due to the positive vibrations that emanate from society. And this is the real state, not an illusion or hypnosis.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 9/3/14

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All We Lack Is Love
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A Never Ending Game

Going Out To Establish Interpersonal Connections

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What does a strong family, a strong home, mean for a Kabbalist?

Answer: A strong family is a family that lives in a strong environment, and since an environment like this is good for them, this is a strong home for them.

A home is a human environment, not the stone walls or physical structure. Nowadays, the concept of a home has gradually changed its meaning, and it is understood that stone walls no longer can protect us from anything whatsoever and don’t provide any sense of security. This is because security is found in the good relationships and incorporation into all the circles of human society.

Today society is the next circle for a strong family home, and for society, a wider circle is the nation, and so on.

This means that the concept of a home as a cave, tent, tabernacle, apartments, etc., no longer exists. A home is about going out to establish interpersonal connection.

So here all of the physical borders have been destroyed and only internal contact between people remains. Walls, seas, and oceans cannot separate us, as we must be connected. The development of the Internet clearly shows this to us.

Question: Can Europe, which opened the borders between the nations of the European Union, serve as an example for us?

Answer: Unfortunately, Europe took this step from the point of view of egoistic benefit for itself, to make more money, avoid war, and exploit the weaker nations.

The nations of the European Union connected only the banks. In their program, the integration of all of humanity and the mutual penetration of cultures with each other did not enter into the plan. Only today are they beginning to understand how far they are from integration.
From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/23/14

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It’s A Long Way Back Home

Problem Number One

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe problem with education is the biggest problem in the world. It is thought that a human being is differentiated from animals specifically because of education. But If we compare how humans and animals raise their offspring, to our great sorrow, we don’t have anything to boast about or be proud of.

Animals educate their offspring until they learn how to live correctly, protect themselves, develop, and reproduce. While we educate our children in the same manner, when they mature, they withdraw and kill themselves.

This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the educational results of the present generation can only be seen twenty years later. And if, after twenty years, something begins to change, the future changes will be revealed and appear in another twenty years and even later.

According to the example of my generation, one could say that we didn’t devote any attention to sex education and mutual relationships between young people. They didn’t teach us how to educate children and how to build the right relationships in a family between parents and children, in society, or with our neighbors.

We didn’t learn the psychology of the person, or the society in which we live, or the psychology of the world. This negligence in education cannot replace intelligence.

Education is the most important thing in life, but we don’t get it in kindergarten, in school, or in universities. Even those who finish their studies in psychology remain undeveloped psychologically because their education is not appropriate to their age. This is in contrast to what usually happens with animals that develop and naturally connect with nature. Humans don’t have this.

Most adults don’t differ from children in any way. They don’t know how exactly what is necessary to behave, how to interact correctly with their surrounding environment or in the family. Men are not familiar with the psychology of women and women are not familiar with the psychology of men, so they don’t know how to communicate correctly between them.

The wisdom of Kabbalah says very simply that if we want to live normally, even simply, we must organize our material home life, and that first and foremost we must pay attention to education. And it is not important on what level of technological development we exist as the main thing for us is the good organization of human life and a normal, healthy family. This is what we are missing so much.

It is specifically on this that the wisdom of Kabbalah places an emphasis, in that it is explained that from a person must be made a social component included in a communications circle, to create the possibility of the right mutual cooperation with other people, and show in what manner he can come in contact with them so that human society will become one family.

Only in a case like this will we feel ourselves in safety, comfort, and pleasure and be able to comfortably pass on to our children the safe and comfortable world that we have prepared for them.
From KabTV’s “Short Stories” 10/23/14

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Fame With A Peaceful Purpose

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Many children and teenagers dream of becoming famous. Their appearance is extremely important to them. How is this desire born?

Answer: Obviously, these kids include all feasible pleasures into the notion of being a celebrity. We know that food, sex, and family are the basic desires that refer to bodily needs.

They are supplemented by the desires for fame, wealth, and knowledge. The quest for popularity is understandable and specific to our time. Our desires for wealth, fame, and knowledge continually change, but for a young person they are very common and natural. It has always has been; we just don’t realize.

Today’s youth has much wider opportunities. What were they dealing with previously? Becoming a little bit more skillful in their fathers’ crafts? Moving from a village to a city or from a province to a capital? In any case, their opportunities were very limited. Now, it looks like the entire world is in front of them. They think they can embrace the whole world and that they are connected to it.

Question: Can the aspiration for popularity be useful in any way?

Answer: The inclination to reach celebrity status is very common for kids nowadays and we can show them which properties are necessary to achieve fame. The desire to be famous obligates them to work on themselves, change for the better, and reveal new qualities within themselves.

Children attend dancing, drawing, and theater classes in order not to grow up as little animals and to understand that behind each star, there is hard work. Just watch Michael Jackson’s rehearsal videos and you’ll see how much exertion and hard work it takes to reach the lightness that he demonstrated on the stage. There are no stars that just fly upwards, but there are numerous incidences of falling at the start. These issues should be explained to the young generation by the mass media.

Question: Let’s say, your grandson tells you tomorrow that he wants to become famous. You are the wisest grandfather in the world! What field would you advise him to concentrate on?

Answer: In the future, those who are capable of creating good and kind relationships among people will be in huge demand and will be extremely valued by society. I am not talking about virtual relationships; I mean a real system of communication among us that is similar to the one that exists in nature.

Only this profession will really be needed and other occupations will remain only to the extent of meeting immediate human necessities. Those who work in the field of establishing correct relationships, creating the methodology of interconnection among people, and preparing educators in this field will be the most popular and respected in future society. This is what I would tell my grandson.

Question: Can specific, individual talents in painting, dancing, or singing be helpful to society?

Answer: The talents through which one plans to advance and become popular have to allow for self-expression in an enjoyable way.

For that, one has to study psychology, sociology, philosophy, and laws of communication. By expressing him or herself, they will have to help others unite. By doing so, they will fulfill themselves and fulfill others.
From the program “A New Life” 2/12/14

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In A Single Field Of Desires

Soon Everyone Will Want His Own Planet

Dr. Michael LaitmanRegarding money and questions about the economy in general, countless books have been written by Nobel Prize winners in this field. Interestingly, despite this, they are frequently mistaken.

The ability to profit from a connection with other people, to buy and sell and create special relationships with them changes a person into Adam (human). Before this, people acted only through the use of force.

But today, anyone with money is found at the top of the social pyramid.

If I don’t have money, I cannot get food, establish a family or buy a house. In exchange for money I buy power, respect, and all my means of communication, because everything depends upon how the amount paid. It turns out that money is a cover, with it I can fulfill any desire.

There are some things that I cannot buy, for example, wisdom, or other kinds of characteristics I receive from nature. But it is possible to acquire them with money by buying people possessing those characteristics. For example, I can pay a person to write a book that will be signed with my name.

Not long ago, there was no substitute for money. But in the 1960s, a community of people appeared who related to wealth with contempt. They wanted to be happy about other things and wanted to be happy internally.

And even though the ego thirsts for fulfillment, many today no longer agree to a life of constant tension. A poor person has no happiness because he has no money, and a rich person has no happiness because besides money, he has nothing. And this is not a problem of money, but a problem of the society that gives us these values.

When a person has the possibility of getting everything, he loses his desire. In this sense the poor are more successful than the rich. If I have a need that I can cover through effort, if it pulls me forward, if I see pleasure through working for it in a future that shines for me from a distance, then I am happy.

A wonderful example of this need is the yearning of lovers to meet each other. This illuminates their entire lives; they wait for this meeting and are ready to overcome all difficulties for it.

If we could exist without dependence on society, let’s say, on some deserted island, and we could educate our children as we truly want, then we could get them accustomed to a simple way of life. Then they would live without tension, without crises and tragedies.

Today the world is experiencing an economic crisis. But essentially this is an ideological crisis: We have developed artificial desires in people, and after that, it turns out that we cannot satisfy them. With our claims and demands soon everyone will want his own planet. But even then he will not relax because he will immediately envy a neighbor whose planet is bigger.

The time has arrived to scrutinize how to utilize the power of covering, the power of money. On the one hand, it is necessary to educate a person such that he will bring his needs to a necessary level that we can satisfy.

On the other hand, it is necessary to think carefully about how to organize the economy so that it will be ready to create everything needed and a system of education that will move a person towards rational needs and ways to fill his spare time.

It follows that in the new economy people will be involved with the creation of money coverings for the rational balance of physical desires as well as the higher spiritual desires that will be discovered in them. This is how they will advance.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/11/12

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