Questions about Spiritual Work—98

568.01Question: When we are overwhelmed by the love we feel for the teacher and our friends in the ten, should we make a restriction on it? How should we work with it?

Answer: If you direct all of this toward the Creator, then you experience some ascent. And this happens every time, again and again.

Question: When can a ten be in a state of Nefesh?

Answer: The common light you reach will be called the light of Nefesh.

Question: If everything is good on the spiritual level, what does it mean “pleases or does not please the spirit of people”?

Answer: There are spiritual actions that force us to take a roundabout path, and there are actions where you move straight. This is essentially what determines success or failure in spirituality.

Question: How do we recognize the differences that are important to overcome to reach unity among us and those that can be accepted?

Answer: Anything that prevents us from connecting must be corrected.

Question: What does it mean to bring the left line to holiness?

Answer: It means that all your egoism, which is revealed in you at this moment, must be corrected into altruism.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/17/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Anyone Who Pleases the Spirit of the People”

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