Questions about the Infulence of The Book Of Zohar

65Question: How does The Book of Zohar differ from TES or Psalms  with respect to the power of correction?

Answer: The Book of Zohar is unique because it was composed by people who sought to uncover the mysteries of the spiritual world and present them to all of humanity. Kabbalists consider The Book of Zohar the most valuable book in attaining the Creator.

Question: Why is the language of The Book of Zohar so complex? Couldn’t everything be explained, for example, from the perspective of the physics of light or electromagnetic laws, so that one could first understand spirituality in the mind and then pass it all through feelings?

Answer: It cannot be so. The Kabbalists who wrote The Zohar presented us with this gift, the simplest and most accessible, to attain the upper light and through it reveal the Creator.

Question: What does self-sacrifice for the sake of the Torah and commandments mean?

Answer: It means that I neglect all the states that are comfortable for me only to feel the inner meaning of the Torah, commandments, and The Zohar.

Question: Reading The Book of Zohar always evokes amazing feelings. I started reading it independently a year and a half ago and was surprised I could do it. Then I started reading it in the group. Recently I realized that I stopped feeling it.

Answer: There is nothing to worry about. Various states of this kind happen so you elevate the desire  and aspiration to understand The Zohar.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “To Understand the Words of The Zohar”

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