The Influence of The Book of Zohar

209Comment: The article “Rabbi Shimon’s Exit from the Cave” is, in principle, very difficult to understand, just like other articles in The Book of Zohar. But you say they should be read as a magical remedy, a segula.

My Response: A Segula is a certain property that unfolds as you use it. In other words, it is an action that affects you even if you read it without understanding anything. And you change according to what reveals to you.

Question: Suppose a person has read this article. How can he check what has changed in him?

Answer: From reading one article, he cannot do anything yet. But gradually, by reading The Book of Zohar and going through all the properties and circumstances described in it, he begins to feel changes within himself.

Question: For example, we talked about fear. Is there a way I can check if I have developed a fear of the Creator?

Answer: Yes. You can check to what extent you have thoughts about what is said in the Torah is true and worth following. For example, if you start experiencing fear that you will not be able to fulfill the main commandment of the Creator, “love your neighbor,” then this may be a criterion that the book is influencing you. And if the awe does not arise, it means something needs to be changed.
From KabTV’s “Introduction of The Book of Zohar” 12/24/23

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