Bring Your Heart and Mind Closer Together

557Question: Rabash’s articles pull me to a state I am not yet at, but want to be. After this, when we begin sorting them out, the mind and the egoistic nature turn on and seek some kind of justification.

How can I make sure that the entire ten and I will catch up with the state of Rabash and the desire of the heart?

Answer: The fact that you feel the difference between your mind and your heart is already good. The fact that you can even control yourself is also very good.

Now, you just need to check whether you agree with your heart and mind and whether you can bring them closer to each other. Then, you will feel what is essential in them and what is secondary.

The bringing together of heart and mind depends on how one aligns oneself with the Creator, the group, and the teacher. And then it turns out that he can simultaneously work in both the heart and the mind.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Understanding What Is Written in Shulchan Aruch

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