How Can You Burn Anxious Thoughts?

627.2Shura writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

I do not know how to lose my anxious thoughts. They come to me right from the moment I wake up and do not leave me until I fall asleep. My dreams are also with anxiety. All of this causes inner pain. Sometimes, the pain disappears, but then returns with even greater force.

I heard you say that such thoughts need to be burned. I try, but it only makes me feel worse. Please explain how to erase and burn these anxious thoughts that do not give me rest.

My Response: You need to do something necessary, necessary not for yourself, but for others. Then, the anxious thoughts will burn away.

Question: You actually said: “Burn these thoughts.” So, when I am not thinking about myself, does this burn these thoughts? Is it more natural for women? Can it be done gradually for the family, for children?

Answer: In principle, this is also for men. Today, it is for everyone.

Question: Is this within a person’s power, or should it sound like a prayer?

Answer: No, this is not a prayer. That is an action.

Question: What is effective when we talk about a person? For example, whom should I care for?

Answer: About people. About strangers.

Question: This is not about the close ones?

Answer: Of course not! Close ones do not count.

Question: This is an important addition. Do you mean about neighbors I never thought about, about the world, about people in general?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this achievable for an ordinary person?

Answer: Absolutely! It is not a matter of whether this is achievable or not. There is no doubt about it; everyone has the possibility and everyone is obliged!

Question: What will happen to these anxious thoughts? I have anxious thoughts about all of humanity; I think about it. What happens then?

Answer: As soon as your thoughts encircle the Earth, they will dissipate.

Question: Will my anxious thoughts about myself dissipate? Are you for people starting to think about strangers, about the world?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

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