Questions about Spiritual Work—97

281.02Question: Our words are limited and cannot always convey our feelings in prayer. How can we elevate our prayer to the Creator without words?

Answer: Words say nothing. Open your heart, and that is all. A person needs words also, but not the Creator.

Question: What changes in the perception of reality for a person in adhesion with their friends and the Creator?

Answer: They see the whole spiritual Kli in connection with the Creator and move further toward the goal of creation.

Question: You say that we should be an example for each other. Should we be afraid of standing out from the rest?

Answer: Do not hide, fear, or be embarrassed under any circumstances. Show everyone a good example.

Question: Strong egoism resists a state of lowliness. Does this mean that it wants to be worthy of good deeds?

Answer: No, strong egoism wants everything for itself.

Question: During the lessons, we experience great inspiration. How can we share this with the world, and what is the point of working in a group of ten?

Answer: It is your heart. You should fill it with inspiration and then gradually spread this impression from it throughout the world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Whose Heart Makes Him Willing”

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