Questions about Spiritual Work—94

282.01Question: The degree of overcoming faults in us determines what stage we are at. If we add gratitude to the Creator and our friends, how does this affect the degree?

Answer: Gratitude strengthens this degree. It does not lift us, but strengthens the degree.

Question: What does it mean to be in a spiritual framework?

Answer: It means constantly being in connection with the Creator.

Question: Lately I have felt a great responsibility to not bring hatred into the world. When I feel hatred, I fear that I am destroying it. What is the correct prayer in this state?

Answer: The most correct, simple prayer is to ask the Creator to be revealed to everyone in this world, and then everyone will understand why they live and how to live.

Question: After reading an article, everyone takes something out of it according to their feelings. How can we synchronize so we come to one common understanding and feeling?

Answer: It depends on the Creator. He cannot yet give all of you a common impression of some spiritual objects at the same time. You are yet lacking a common Kli for this.

Question: Did I understand correctly that no one in the ten can attain the next degree until everyone does the previous one?

Answer: No, this is not entirely true. A person can rise and independently incorporate in different tens. It is still ahead of us. The main thing is to strive for connection.

Question: What can we do with the desires of the material world that are constantly growing?

Answer: As much as possible, they should be satisfied, but not at the expense of connection in the group.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/7/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “World, Year, Soul”

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