With Mind and Emotions

235Question: It is said that we can merge with the Creator emotionally and attach ourselves to Him with our hearts. But we have the Torah and studying with our minds. What is the advantage of studying with the mind?

Answer: Some people strive to understand the Creator intellectually and technically. And some wish to understand Him emotionally within themselves. It all depends on the person.

We approach the Creator both with our minds and feelings. Often we attain Him more intellectually, and then there are periods when it happens more through emotions, and in this way we gradually move toward Him.

It is like walking on two legs: right-left, right-left, taking steps like that. The same applies here. Sometimes you may feel Him through your intellect, and other times through emotions. We need to progress in both ways.

Question: How can we properly balance the preferences of some for emotional study and others for knowledge-based study in the group? How do we avoid misunderstandings on this basis?

Answer: Gradually, you will start understanding each other because you are required to unite in all your inner qualities. For instance, one person might currently perceive everything through reason, while another through the heart, and then it may switch. You will have to manage this.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

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