The Importance of Bestowal

509Question: To raise the importance of participating in lessons and meetings, which is preferable: to scrutinize this issue or to create a warm, kind atmosphere and wait for the Creator to raise the importance?

Answer: Both are needed.

But most important is the importance of friends, the importance of the Creator, the importance of the path, and the importance of the ascents so we can move forward all the time.

Question: How can we build a large Kli of bestowal so that the Creator notices it and fills it if, from lesson to lesson, we see the importance of many other things not related to bestowal?

Answer: You should pay special attention to bestowal and strive for it because only in this quality will you feel the Creator, not in anything else.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Whose Heart Makes Him Willing”

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