Appeal to the Ten

524.01Question: How important is the Hisaron (the need) of the lower one in the ten? How important is his appeal to the friends to correct material suffering?

Answer: Any one of the friends turning to the ten is very inspiring and shakes everyone up. Then  everyone tries to respond with the proper answer.

That is very important. Without the Hisaron of the lower one you cannot correct material suffering.

Question: If we fail to correct something in the spiritual, it immediately passes into the material plane. Given the material problem, how can we learn what we must correct in the spiritual?

Answer: You cannot figure it out, at least not in your state. But what you can do is make every effort to combine all your actions and all your thoughts.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/12/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “And the Saboteur Was Sitting”

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