Questions about Spiritual Work—96

961.2Question: We have a sense of self-awareness that we are a reality that can receive and bestow light. In the quality of the Creator, we feel ourselves as part of a single system with Him. How do we reconcile these two qualities in the work of the ten since they are essentially different?

Answer: Yes, they relate to different qualities, but we must try to combine them. Gradually, we will succeed in doing so.

Question: How can we strengthen the intention to bestow in the ten?

Answer: We need to talk about it more, and while performing actions, you should try to feel that you are uniting and turning to the Creator. Then longing toward Him will be stronger, and you will come to His revelation.

Question: Can a person studying Hasidic texts embrace the dissemination of Bnei Baruch and begin to strive for the Creator?

Answer: Of course. That person needs to get acquainted with what we do. We want to reach the feeling of the Creator. That is what he should engage in. He needs to read our books and immerse himself in them a little.

Question: If a person is part of a whole and included in the system, how can he pray for others without thinking about himself? What is unconditional love? How can one love unconditionally at all?

Answer: I do not know how to explain it because it is a feeling. You have to try to let these feelings pass through you, through your connections with the friends, and then you will have the opportunity to understand what this is about.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

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