The Power of Imagination

1.02Question: In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we often hear the term “imagine to yourself.” What kind of creature is a person if they can change their states with imagination? When we imagine something good, in a way, we change our state. Where does this happen within us?

Answer: A person as if consists of two systems. In one system, he feels; in the other, he can imagine something, even if it is opposite to his feelings. Therefore, when we read the explanations of the Kabbalists, we desire to feel what they describe. Let us do just that.

Gradually, by tuning ourselves to different understandings, sensations, and bestowal, our brain will transition from sensations to feelings so that feelings will operate in the mind.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

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