Intention Comes First

629.3Question: If there is none else besides Him, then it turns out that any slander is directed against the Creator?

Answer: Any slander we put out into the world is negative. Therefore, we need to very clearly weigh our words that go out into the world from each of us.

Although this does not mean that slander is directed against the Creator, nevertheless, when condemning our world, we must understand that at the same time, we condemn its starting point, i.e., the Creator.

Question: If I am dissatisfied with what is happening in the world and do not agree with it, then I am slandering the Creator?

But this comes from my inner nature. I do not do this on purpose. If I am opposite to the Creator, created opposite to Him, will I automatically disagree with Him and begin to slander Him?

Answer: No, what also matters here are your intentions, why you are doing it and how? The Creator created the world, placed a person in it, and gave them some kind of strength, intelligence, and the ability to influence this world. We can talk about this within certain boundaries and explore our possibilities of bringing the world into balance.

Question: Is it possible to say that if I am opposite to the Creator, then I automatically do not agree with His program? But if I resist this or try to somehow correct the situation, then, in principle, is this no longer slander?

Answer: No, it does not matter what you do. It is your intention that matters.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/7/24

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