The Path to Courage Lies through Timidity

543.02Question: Timidity wanted to hide from itself. But where? Cunning advised it: “Why don’t you settle with Courage, it’s not so scary with it.” Timidity went to Courage, but was afraid to knock on the door, so it just lay down on its porch. Since then, the path to courage lies through timidity.

Is this true?

Answer: Yes, because with an egoistic nature, it is impossible to achieve courage without fear. How do courageous people deal with this? It is because they overcome timidity.

Question: So the more a person is timid and the more they overcome timidity, the braver they are? So fundamentally are we timid?

Answer: Yes, because we have egoism within us. It prevents us from acting recklessly against ourselves; where there is a possibility of harming ourselves, it doesn’t allow it.

Question: So is there always a risk?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And is it our egoism that causes this? Why then is timidity so despised?

Answer: Timidity is despised, but it is important to understand that it is a human feeling and very strong. It, by the way, protects us from many problems that we could cause ourselves and others.

Question: So a person who admits they are timid is not despised by you?

Answer: No, not despised. You just need to know how to balance this force and take care of yourself in any situation with consideration for how much it is needed.

Question: Is there courage without fear?

Answer: No, only if it is a pathological state.

Question: So you consider it a pathology? When there is complete recklessness?

Answer: Of course. Look at animals, how they behave. They don’t recklessly attack anyone. They check, they make circles, and so on, and so forth. And only then, if necessary, they rush forward.

Comment: Yes, that’s true. Only in rabid dogs, it seems, this is disabled.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: So it is actually a disease if a person is purely reckless, brave, as they say.

My Response: That is not courage.

Question: How should children be raised? When we tell a child, “Don’t be timid, be brave.”

Answer: Weigh everything.

Question: Whom are you talking to right now?

Answer: The child. Weigh everything for and against. And only if you are convinced that there is no other way, attack.
Comment: You’re now addressing the child as an adult, as someone with wisdom.

My Response: What can you do? That is how it is with adults too.

Question: But should this be the attitude toward a child? So you weigh, weigh everything for and against? And only after that…?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this what is called upbringing?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Can a child do that?

Answer: They can. Since this caution, timidity can help them.

Question: What age of the child are you talking about?

Answer: A young child. From three years old.

Question: Can you say “weigh” to a three-year-old? Sit in front of them and say “weigh”? Can you already treat a child like an adult from such a young age?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If a parent acts like this, what does it say about the parent?

Answer: That the parent teaches their child a balanced approach to the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

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