Patience and Understanding

549.01Question: What feeling in a family is accepted as truth? There are very warm feelings and sometimes literally hatred. One does not understand what is real. It is so devastating! One suddenly starts to believe that this hatred is what defines the relationship.

Answer: What is need here is patience and understanding that the other person has the same feelings, impressions, and aspirations as you do. Everyone has both love and hate within them. Sometimes they coincide and sometimes they do not.

Question: How important is it for spouses to share their feelings and states?

Answer: No, there is no need to turn this into some kind of drama. The most important thing is to understand that you should smooth everything out.

On the other hand you should not accumulate negative emotions. It is essential to discharge them, meaning to discuss these situations almost as if in the third person and not keep them inside.

Question: Who is more difficult in family life: men or women?

Answer: It is hard to say. Women have more strength to resist men. They are not in equal positions. She knows how to twist him. But this is given to her so that she can defend herself because a woman is home, family, and the foundation.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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