Questions about Spiritual Work—95

294.2Question: What helps us most to come to a pure heart? How can we acquire it?

Answer: We purify our hearts through the love of our friends and open them for others.

Question: You said that man is the first to ask the Creator. What did you mean by that? So does the Hisaron of women must somehow always pass through a man?

Answer: In general, yes. The main thing is for a man to raise his prayer to the Creator.

Question: I see flaws in myself and my friends. I appreciate them greatly, but these flaws prevent me from seeing them as great. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?

Answer: Yes, but we need to work on these flaws. Show them your example that you have the same flaws and are working on them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/10/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Sightly Flaw in You”

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