How Can We Soften the Blows of Nature

738A person is created as an egoist, so one needs to be constantly driven to action, otherwise he or she will not move. Our nature is to strive for a state of absolute rest. If I have no need, I will not lift a finger.

So I am built like some kind of mechanism. Without a reason, I have no motivation to make any movement. Every movement is only for achieving greater comfort, greater fulfillment, or escaping from the lack of comfort, from suffering.

Therefore nature drives humanity with blows. They are already quite apparent and affect many people in the world, especially in developed countries. So we must try to explain to people that there is no need to oppress and kill each other; we just need to understand what to do to make the world better. In that case, we will become a kind, balancing, softening force, a buffer.

The wisdom of Kabbalah says that until a person reaches the correct understanding, the desire must go through four phases of development.

I receive the first blow and think: “No, this has nothing to do with my actions.”

The second time: “Interesting, last time I also received a blow after these same actions.”

With the third blow: “Ah, so this is a system!”

The fourth time: “I do not want to behave like this anymore! That’s it!”

Nevertheless, all those who have power try to do something: “We will fix it, we can do it!” Although after the first blow, they understand that they cannot do anything, they still cling to their seats. Then comes the second blow, even stronger, the third blow,  and then that’s it! People throw up their hands and shout: “That’s it, we do not want anything!”

Should we wait for this? No, do not wait, but we should always spread our knowledge so that people understand where the blows are coming from. When they understand this, then these blows will become clearer. At the same time, they should not be severe.

Nature does everything to reach a painful point and a painful realization so that the desire is affected by negative sensation, and alongside there is a rational, mental record; it is when two parameters come together: reason and feelings. They must be together, like Reshimo, a record from the light and from the desire. When this happens, then everything will start working normally.

Therefore, I still talk, explain, and disseminate. Do whatever it takes, just so that these blows pass more through consciousness, then they should not be so harsh.

In other words, you do not need destruction, floods, earthquakes, atomic war! It is enough for you, for example, to have the power shut off worldwide for a day or something like that, something you can survive. That’s enough! Because compared to what is forthcoming in general, that is nothing.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Suffering Is Developing” 1/3/12

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