Can The World Develop In A Good Way?

214Undoubtedly, everything in the world happens only for the sake of  advancement toward the goal. Undoubtedly, all these pandemics and viruses come to our world in order to push us to realize this goal.

And undoubtedly, we could advance toward this goal in a good way if we choose movement, the goal, and hastening. If we move faster than the stick coming at us from behind ready to hit us, then we are advancing quickly.

In order to do this, we need to connect faster and master the spiritual state among us faster, and thus reveal the Creator in it. Humanity went through different stages in its development until it turned into modern society that is interconnected and revealing its complete dependence on each other.

In our time, this mutual dependence will still manifest itself very clearly and rigidly; we will see that we cannot exist without each other. There is not enough oil and gas in one place, there is not enough bread in another, electricity in the third, etc. Everything will be revealed in such a way that not a single person can live without other people.

Baal HaSulam writes that we in fact need the whole world. Therefore, we have interesting discoveries ahead. We need to explain to the world how interconnected we are so that our steps forward will be faster, better, and painless.
From the International Convention ““Rising Above Ourselves” 1/8/22, “Deriving the Greatness of the Goal from the Friends” Lesson 4

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