At the Dead End of Science

256I am convinced that the whole cosmos is united both in the material and spiritual sense. Within the universe there is a centre (jezgro) wherefrom we receive all our strength, all inspiration: it attracts us; I feel its power and values which it emits to the whole of the universe and thus keeps it in harmony. I have not fathomed the mystery of that centre, but I know it exists, and when I wish to give it some material attribute, then I think it is Light, and when I try to understand it spiritually then it is Beauty and Charity. The one who carries this faith inside feels strong, labour is a joy to him, for he feels himself to be a tone within the universal harmony (Nikola Tesla).

My Response: Tesla was a great scientist. His attitude to the world was really special: a single world that offers to reveal itself to us. But then, it was not yet the time.

There were such people in all ages who could rise above themselves, above the mechanical attitude to science. In other words, they are not techies, but feelers. That is the structure of their soul.

They feel that in order to understand the world, they need different tools, which they do not yet possess.

That is, science—as it is structured and moving forward today—will not attain it by itself. It has become purely mechanical. Therefore, there is a crisis in science. Scientists constantly feed us with all sorts of supposedly interesting things so they themselves can exist and show that they are doing something.

But in principle, science itself is in a huge crisis, and this is acknowledged. Moreover, if in the past there were such periods of crisis where we allegedly disclosed everything and there was nothing more to discover, now it is the other way around. We see that we have reached a kind of dead end beyond which we cannot reveal anything.
From KabTV’s “Close-Up. The Will of the Universe” 28/11/10

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