From Moses to the Men of the Great Assembly

525Moses received the Torah at Sinai and transmitted it to Joshua, Joshua to the elders, and the elders to the prophets, and the prophets to the Men of the Great Assembly. (Mishnah, Pirkei Avot, Chapter 1).

Question: The Mishnah has not only a corporeal, but also a Kabbalistic meaning.

Should we approach these texts with literal understanding or should we
seek the reforming light in them?

Answer: We in particular seek texts the force of connection in these so that the Creator can be revealed in us.

Question: Why does the Mishnah specifically mention the transmission of the Torah from Moses through Joshua to other sages?

Answer: At that time, the Torah was still transmitted verbally. Each sage received, what they passed on to their disciples.

Therefore, the Mishnah describes the sages passing on their spiritual attainments. Antigonus received certain teachings from Shimon the Righteous and passed them on. Yose ben Yoezer of Tzreida received from Yose ben Yochanan of Jerusalem and passed it on. Yose ben Yochanan of Jerusalem said something, meaning he taught his disciples a particular principle, and so on.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/22/24, “Mishna, Pirkei Avot

Related Material:
The Difference Between Oral and Written Torah
What Is The Torah?
The Torah Is A Program And A Guide

The Hidden Corners of Your Heart

420.06Question: When you studied with Rabash he surely told you: “Do not ask questions. The time will come and you will understand everything yourself.” At the time, did you believe that you could reach spiritual attainment?

Answer: There is a concept of “faith in the sages” where a person has no choice but to trust those who have attained the upper world. You may not believe it and you can go check with others or try to do something yourself; this is your choice.

In our world, you are in a suspended state. The question arises: how will you move forward? With your own intellect? Then you will spend your whole life inventing a perpetual motion machine, going from blow to blow, like everyone else or like various inventors, enthusiasts, and experimenters.

You have no other choice but to trust your heart: what does it suggest and to what should you attach yourself? The world is full of sages, all opposed to each other, and all of them are right and all of them are smarter than you. What can you do? You have only one thing—your heart. Your mind is filled with who knows what! Your heart is also confused!

Therefore, you need to try to feel with the most hidden corners of your heart, with all your inner self, where the truth is and what you need. But at the same time, try to cleanse yourself from all sorts of layers imposed by life and feel from within: where is mine?

Maybe you will find that you need meditation, Scientology, new psychosomatic inventions, or whatever. Or maybe you need to try yourself here in Kabbalah. It is the heart that should show a person his place. Nothing else.

Do not take anyone into account. Our world has already learned that there are no geniuses. You talk to any smart person and after a couple of days, if not the same day and in the same conversation, you begin to understand that all of it is limited, and derived from some sources built on semi-deception, semi-guesses, and and semi-beliefs.

Why trust someone or something that the human mind has invented? You should trust only your heart.

After all, beyond the heart, there are no Kabbalists, no philosophers, no Buddhists, no one; trust what lies in its very depth.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Believe a Kabbalist” 1/28/10

Related Material:
Learning not with the Mind but with the Heart
“What Does My Heart Desire Now?”
Break Through to Your Heart

A Simple Idea

264.01The science of Kabbalah itself is very simple. It is difficult to implement it, but its idea is quite simple.

The Creator created one single desire that He broke into billions of parts. These parts, which are separated by egoism, must be reunited into the same system in spite of the ego.

At the same time, egoism should not interfere with them. On the contrary, it helps them connect. Then their connection, compared to the past, will be 620 times stronger, and these desires will not feel the state they were in initially before the shattering when they felt only themselves, but they will begin to feel themselves at the level of the Creator.

This is the movement of the shattering and its subsequent correction. Everything happens only according to the method of drawing closer and the connection of the broken parts, that is, between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
The Most Shattered Part of the Universe
The Thought Of Creating The Creation
The Structure Of The Universe, Part 1

Friends Are an Integral Force

938.01Question: How can I annul before my friends?

Answer: Try your best. Please them, serve them, smile, try to do everything you can.

Question: And how can you annul yourself in relation to the Creator?

Answer: There is no way. Only by annulling yourself before your friends will you begin to feel the special integral force that they all represent together. You will call it the Creator.

Question: Should I combine the annulment in front of the friends and the Creator together? Is this the integral force?

Answer: You do not have to fantasize about anything. The friends are in front of you. You can really, seriously engage in annulling yourself in front of them.

And as for the Creator, you do not have a job yet. It will appear only when the friends shape into one single whole in your feeling.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Annul before Your Friends
Annul Yourself And Start Living
Creative Annulment Before The Friends

Is It Worth Making Predictions for the Future?

214Question: When we in the ten become a single desire, do we attract other people or is there a rejection effect here?

Answer: Neither one nor the other. The fact is that we are not in a normal state. Everything we are doing is new; Kabbalists have never acted like this. They developed individually.

According to Baal HaSulam, when we reach the level of the last generation, then, based on what all Kabbalists have written at least for the last few centuries, we must create tens or a large group, and begin disseminating to all of humanity. Therefore, sometimes I cannot give you an exact answer to the question posed.

Kabbalah is a very practical science. What we are doing is what we see. So it is written: “A judge has only what his eyes see.” Only based on what we can explore, see, and record, it becomes clear to us that this is how it should be.

I do not know how future events in the world will happen. I can only guess and sometimes write about it. But in general, I try not to make predictions because in reality nothing is known for sure.

We must act according to the same principle of drawing closer to each other and to the Creator, and the result at each stage can sometimes be different. This is a natural phenomenon in nature. But it is always for the better even if it feels undesirable to us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Through Coming Closer to Each Other
To The Force Of Attraction Called The Creator
The Ten—A Device For Revealing The Creator

Daily Kabbalah Lesson – 7/4/24

Preparation to the Lesson

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1st part of the Lesson — Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Last Generation”

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2nd part of the Lesson — Writings of Rabash, “Letter 65”

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3rd part of the Lesson – “Teachings of the Fathers,” “Mishna, Pirkei Avot,” Chapter 5, Item 5

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Selected Highlights

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Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Attack

939.01Question: When you asked the question what we were lacking, a friend in the ten said that we are lacking audacity and decisiveness. It seemed to me that this could really be added. Should we think about this and press on this pedal?

Answer: I once gave such an example. We were sitting at Rabash in the Sukkah and everyone was in very good state. I asked Rabash: “What is preventing us from making a breakthrough now?”

He replied: “An attack! There must be an attack now!” But the attack is not about us jumping and shouting. It is an internal attack! It is inside oneself and in relation to your friends.

We were unable to carry out this attack then. I spoke with him about this topic later.

Moreover, there is a time when this can be done, when there is an appropriate moment for it, the so-called awakening from above. We have it now. I hope that we do not miss this opportunity.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

Related Material:
Making A Step Toward The Creator
A Spiritual Attack Never Ends
Penetrating Love Through Barricades Of Hate

Men and Women: Working Together

571.01Question: It is very important for us to unite and create a women’s Kli. You said that our common goal is to clothe the female desire with the male intention. How can we achieve this? What should women do?

Should we not think about ourselves but only about the men? What do you advise us?

Answer: I feel your pain, as if you are powerless without men. But this is not true.

You must understand that if you gather among yourselves and try to rise above your feminine egoistic rejections, you will have a wonderful opportunity to create such a Kli that will not even need the male one.

Of course, later we will find that there is mutual complementing between male and female parts. But at the initial stage, there is absolutely no need to mix female and male attempts to connect. Each in their own circle. If you seriously connect with each other, you will not need men.

The Creator gives screens and intentions to both men and women. History knows great women prophets, Kabbalists, who were greater than men. So you have nothing to worry about.

Later, we will combine our male and female-specific qualities. But this is not the kind of work where we are together nearby, seeing and hearing each other. We will feel this as a desire in the air—here is the female part, here is the male part. We will even feel the female and male parts within the female part and the male and female parts within the male part. This is how we will interact.

That is, we need to develop and reveal who we are. Then we will see that we can work together.

But there is still a very long way until the very end. There are many months ahead until each can understand what a female and male ten is and how we can connect with each other in not a physical, but a spiritual contact.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
Women’s Connection
The Correct Connection Between Men And Women
A Man And A Woman – Mutual Completion

The Course toward the Conception of a Spiritual Embryo

938.02Question: Suppose we now set a course for the conception of a spiritual embryo (Ibur). I feel the deficiencies (Hissaron) of my friends. What does it mean to annul myself before them? Does it mean having no thoughts or desires of my own and thinking only about them?

Answer: You have gathered together to perform some spiritual work; otherwise, all your efforts and time are wasted. Therefore, I advise you to simply take into account what we say about the embryo and try to implement it as much as possible, constantly think about it. That is it! Nothing more is needed.

Continuously imagine what you need to do to remain in this state, maintain it, and develop it so as not to fall. This should be everyone’s concern, and then you will feel that you are all in one stream, moving in one direction as all your thoughts intertwine. This direction will hold and develop you.

Question: I am sure that each friend cares about finding the embryo (Ibur) in the depth of our connection. But what does this search really entail? What does it mean to think about it correctly?

Answer: Thinking correctly about the embryo means thinking only about how I annul myself. I do not criticize my friends; I consider them absolutely perfect.

If I see any imperfection in them, I attribute it to myself, to my own qualities; my qualities are why I see them as imperfect. I need nothing else but to annul myself before them.

Ideally the gradual and constant annulment of yourself before others should be in actions, thoughts, and feelings. Then within a short period, I will feel that I truly reach such a state.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/19/20, “Preparation for the Convention”

Related Material:
How The Spiritual Embryo Grows
Annul Yourself And Start Living
Spiritual Birth

Dimension in Spirituality

115Question: When we mutually integrate into each other, we will feel unity 620 times stronger than it was initially at the formation of the common soul. Does this state also include all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human?

Answer: This refers to the spiritual dimension. Therefore, if you are talking about the common soul or about some particular attainment, then in spirituality the particular and the general are equal. A part is not a part of the whole, but the same whole.

The 620 parts are practically the entire spiritual Partzuf, attainment from Malchut to Bina. But in principle, these 620 are further divided into dozens of parts.

248 parts from Bina to Tifferet (RAMACH) and 365 from Tifferet to Malchut sum up to 613 parts (TARYAG) plus seven additional parts, which are a total of 620 parts (TAPACH). But 620 are the parts of the soul into which it is generally divided, and each of the parts also consists of 620. Thus, spirituality always consists of 620 parts.

Just as a person has all sorts of small and large organs, bones, and tendons so does the spiritual body.

When we perform some spiritual actions of bestowal, of approaching, we constantly renew and correct these desires. And how this happens, we do not yet feel and do not know, but we will later definitely see and attain it.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/20/20, “The Ten”

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Unification Of The Souls = Equivalence To The Creator
620 Desires
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