Questions about Spiritual Work—104

281.01Question: It is said, “Six years he shall serve, and in the seventh, he shall go out free.” How can we understand this?

Answer: In the seventh year, man’s egoism and the evil forces of nature no longer hold him back. He gets rid of them.

Question: Can I enjoy and rejoice in the revelations of my friends?

Answer: Enjoy—yes, rejoice—this is after your collective action.

Question: What does it mean to bestow on your friends through your desires without any restrictions?

Answer: Imagine a mother ready to give everything to her little child. That is how we are in the group.

Question: Sometimes the Creator breaks up into diverse qualities and states. What does this teach us?

Answer: This teaches us how to climb the degrees and much more because in each degree there are many different qualities.

Question: What do we need to add in connection with each other, with you, and with the Creator?

Answer: Only prayer, there is nothing else besides this. Ask the Creator to draw you to Him and everything will work out.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/28/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Written Torah and the Oral Torah – 1”

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