Questions about Spiritual Work—101

630.2Question: If there is such an awakening from above as the desire to cling to our teachers Baal HaSulam and RABASH, what kind of awakening is expected from us from below?

Answer: Desire and prayer. The desire to find out what our teachers have bequeathed to us and to fulfill it.

Question: On one hand we must use the methodology we are studying, and on the other hand we want to get what the Creator gives you. How can we combine our work and the expectation that only He gives anyway?

Answer: We must do everything we can and expect the Creator to make His distribution. But in principle, only the Creator determines everything.

Question: Can a friend artificially create conflict in the ten by criticizing another friend or rudely addressing her, motivating this with the desire to give the group a reason for internal group work?

Answer: It is forbidden to criticize anyone in the group.

Question: What does it mean the Creator chooses the lot?

Answer: It comes down from above.

Question: What happens to a sinner in Purim?

Answer: Purim is just a holiday. In general, what happens to all of us is what the Creator decides.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Lot Is an Awakening from Above”

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