Why Does Humanity Not Hear Kabbalists?

49.01Question: Why did the Creator arrange it so that a person cannot connect suffering with the path of Torah (the path of correcting egoism)? Does it mean that it is impossible to do so? In the mind, one can somehow connect this; a person hears something, reads something. But not in the heart. I do not see that if I did something wrong I suddenly get punished for it.

Answer: If we were to receive immediate punishment for our bad actions, it would not be freedom of will, our consciousness, or choice, but simply coercion. We would be compelled to act in a certain way, and there would be nothing free about it. People would not have any opportunities to act differently.

Question: I understand that this would deprive us of freedom of choice. Yet, if you were to go out into the streets of any country in the world and poll a thousand people: “Can you say that all the suffering of humanity arises from our lack of unity, lack of love for each other, and from our bad behavior?” I am sure that people would not say: “Yes that is the case and that is the reason for natural disasters and catastrophes.”

That is, they do not connect these things together. And this is after thousands of years of human development. Why?

Answer: Because they do not want to delve into the nature we exist in. It is easier for them to justify themselves and act as they see fit.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/14/24

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