Attract the Upper Light

165Question: How important and necessary is it to read articles and pass them through the four phases of direct light?

Answer: We cannot yet pass anything through the four phases. We do not have that ability yet. Just read the sources, try to attract all the light that can come to the egoistic desire, illuminate it, and correct it.

By working in the ten, you raise your desires from below, and the light descending from above corrects and fulfills them.

Question: What does it mean to awaken vessels in order to reach greater bestowal through them?

Answer: It depends on what we desire. If we truly want to develop new vessels of bestowal (Kelim de Hashpaa), then we draw the upper light from above, and it illuminates those desires in which we can receive for the sake of bestowal to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/20/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Lots”

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