Why Don’t We Hear the Creator?

294.4Shakura writes:

I live in Kazakhstan. I am a person of a completely different upbringing and religion. But I can no longer live without your programs because they put me in an extraordinary peaceful set of mind.

When I hear you say “the Creator,” I immediately agree that the Creator exists, and there is none else besides Him, and He is goodness and love. And I feel so good about it.

Recently, I came across a quote from Rav Kook. I read about him, and it turns out that he was a Kabbalist. 

Rav Kook wrote: “The voice of the Creator calls to a man from the depths of his soul, but the turmoil of life suppresses it so much that it is not heard.”

Does it mean that this voice exists within us?

This quote haunts me, and it stays with me all the time. I beg you, please, explain it to me. Piece by piece, if possible, and not all of it at once. I am really looking forward to this. I wish you good health and lots and lots of strength.

Answer: Of course. The Creator exists in each of us but, unfortunately, we do not hear Him.

Question: Based on this quote, Shakura writes: “Do we have to push through  the turmoil of life to hear it?”

Answer: Yes, we should relate everything to the Creator—that everything that happens is all from Him. And then, if we persistently strive for the Creator and fight our way to Him, we will ultimately find Him within ourselves.

Question: So we should go through turmoil to hear His voice?

Answer: Yes a person cannot live without turmoil.

Question: Continuation of Rav Kook’s quote: “But in no case does this voice itself disappear because it is this voice that comprises the basis and cause of everything that exists.”

Shakura asks: “It turns out that the voice of the Creator is the cause of everything that exists?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the “voice of the Creator”?

Answer: The voice of the Creator is an appeal to the creation, to man. It is not only within man but it exists in each creation, in each atom that spins, in a molecule, and so on. The voice of the Creator is the energy that animates all of the creation. This is called the “voice of the Creator.”

Question: We understand what a voice is, and we can hear a voice. And when you say “voice,” what do you mean by that?

Answer: The appeal that twists everything.

Question: But what do I hear, “I am talking to you”? What is this? Or is it too corporeal?

Answer: No any of our appeals to creation, to others, and to the Creator is in order to communicate our desire, our heart, and our wishes to the one who we are addressing.

Question: And where is the voice of the Creator here?

Answer: The voice of the Creator is in what He arouses initially, before that.

Question: That is, He arouses us to turn to somebody?

Answer: Yes, otherwise we would not have risen from the inanimate state to at least vegetative, animate, and human.

Question: Do we begin with the inanimate state?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, in the beginning, we do not hear any voice?

Answer: No.

Question: And then it begins to arouse us?

Answer: Inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human state.

Question: So what you say all the time about good connections, about relationships among people, is this where the Creator is pushing us, leading us?

Answer: The Creator, of course! Only the Creator arouses us and pushes us toward each other.

Comment: The last phrase from this quote: “And those who forcefully try to suppress this voice within themselves only strengthen the connection between the soul and the voice to the point that it constantly sounds in them, and they can no longer escape from it or suffocate it.”

My Response: Yes the Creator achieves His goal anyway, and man begins to reveal Him within himself, and everyone comes to the Creator.

Question: Shakura asks: “So, it turns out that the more we try to suffocate the voice of the Creator within ourselves the louder it sounds?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: She asks: “Isn’t it a paradox?” After all, we are trying to suffocate it.

Answer: No, the Creator’s task is to shake man up, to pull him out of non-existence, of the inanimate state.

Question: She asks: “So, in order for the voice to sound louder, it turns out that we have to suffocate it?” The more you suffocate it the louder it sounds?

Answer: The louder it sounds, just like when you speak to a person and he does not hear you, you move to a higher pitch and increase your voice.

Question: Can we say that He calls us to suppress this voice, and it sounds?

Answer: It is all together.

Question: Is it all Him, the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then the eternal question is where are we here?

Answer: We are not here at all. We start in the following stages. When we begin to realize that this comes from the Creator and act in accordance with this, then it turns out that the Creator is already turning to us with an intention.

Question: That is, there is already a grain of “we” there?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

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